a few things i want to know(Improved)

1:How can I have total control over the names,etc.
2:How can I edit otto matic events alltogether.
3:How can I make it so that the more of my invented skill you have, the better the chance of hitting the bad guy with your weapon.(I also want to know how/if you can make a skill.)
4:Oh well.



Originally posted by osmosisjones:
**1:How can I have total control over the names,etc.
2:How can I edit otto matic events alltogether.
3:How can I make it so that the more of my invented skill you have, the better the chance of hitting the bad guy with your weapon.(I also want to know how/if you can make a skill.)
4:Oh well.


1. This is done solely through the images. Open up statistics.png in your game folder, asuming this is the medieval template. Assume you want ot rename Strength as 'Might.' Take a graphics editor and change the word Strength to 'might.' That simple. Any one want to expand on this, they can.

2. I still don't know what you mean by automatic events. Are they already in the game? If so, just open them up in the event editor and change them. If you want to create them, tell us what you want them to do, and when, and we'll try to help you.

3. I have a theory about this, on how you can make different types of weapons have different (and changeable) to-hit chances. But I'll have to experiment with that, first, and get back to you later.

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet
Edit: Dang parentheses!

(This message has been edited by Celchu (edited 06-24-2002).)

  1. I have done this in a PoG plug-in. Based on my skill, if you have a weapon of a specific type, you can hit enemies more easily. Here's how you make a skill which isn't automatically supported by the engine and make the item effect.

A. Make a global variable with a name like "gb_<skill name>"

B. At the point in the game where your player gains this skill, make a "Change Globals" action which sets your skill's global variable to 1.

C. When making your special item, edit the "Equip" linked event.
Ca. Make an End Event action in the linked actions list.
Cb.Make a conditional which says "If gb_<skill name> is >= 1..." and change the "Else" popup menu to your End Event action.
Cc. Make an Attribute Wizard action and set it to add a certain amount of Dexterity to the Player's Dexterity stat.

D. Edit the Unequip event the same way, except that you should subtract Dexterity instead of adding it.

That's how you do it. You can tweak my explanation to suit your circumstances. Now, perhaps I should contact straytoaster about an addition to his CGE Tips web page... šŸ™‚

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions Ā— Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
Ā— Cafall