Help, my game loads wierd. Unable to play it.

Well, i went through that checklist to see if i had everything, and i did. but the startup screen comes up as a ton of different colors, like the monitor is messin up. but its not, i tired all resolutions and tried it in full screen and window mode. so its definetly conflicting with one of the events or something. the checklist tells youi to put the startup screen in the location pics folder and to create a location the same name as the screen. is this right? if it is, what am i doing wrong? someone help plz.

BTW, im on OS 9.1 and coldstone is at its default memory, but my game has 20 megs of memory, but the actual game is only 2 megs. so i think it has nothing to do with the RAM. help...


Actually, I think it does have something to do with RAM. Just because the game isn't large in terms of space doesn't mean it can't eat up RAM like a hog; hard disk space and memory aren't connected quite that closely. Start by jacking up the RAM allocation for both CGE and your game as far as you dare.

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
— Cafall


Originally posted by Zealous Cloud:
Well, i went through that checklist to see if i had everything, and i did. but the startup screen comes up as a ton of different colors, like the monitor is messin up. but its not, i tired all resolutions and tried it in full screen and window mode. so its definetly conflicting with one of the events or something. the checklist tells youi to put the startup screen in the location pics folder and to create a location the same name as the screen. is this right? if it is, what am i doing wrong? someone help plz.

Make sure the graphic that you have for the startup screen is set to 16 bit color (or thousands of colors).
