corrupt maps - bug??

(sorry for not showing up on the board lately, I've been out to California for the past weeks for business, now I'm back for good)

Thanks for the screenshot, I think I know what's going wrong. The tile you put on the ground must be THE EXACT SAME SIZE of the ground grid (or it will cause weird rendering bugs). PoG mostly uses 96x96 pixels tiles so you must create a map that has a 96x96 ground grid if you want them to show up correctly in the engine. You can, however, have a 32x32 movement grid so that the player doesn't move 96 pixels at a time.

That was for the ground, now for the "stamps"...
(but it doesn't appear to be your problem here)

The editor doesn't take animation offset into account i.e. it will load the first image that it found in the animation file and show it in the map editor, even if the first frame has an offset -- this can result in have in the stamp looks OK in the editor but not in the engine.

Hope it answers your question, sorry about any inconvenience.

Dee Brown
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"") (check our new web site!)
(url="http://"")Coldstone Game Engine(/url) / (url="http://"")Pillars of Garendall(/url) developers

(This message has been edited by Dee (edited 05-30-2002).)

Many thanks, Dee!

You were right my tile images were 64x64 and the map was set to 32x32. Everything seems to be working now except that the walls on the bottum of one of my maps is disappearing, but I'm sure that I can figure this one out!

Many thanks again - now I have to get back to work!
