
I was just wondering how many people you all have gotten to regester Ares. I'm talking about playing an unregistered person in gameranger, and getting them to register, or having a Macintosh using friend to register, or whatever.

Personally I have 3. One even registered online before we started playing a game.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

I've played at least 11 unregistered users, I know 8 of them said they'd register.

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius

ussualy after they play a registered person(they get there butt kicked by auds) they want to register.


No, not me. But I HAVE gotten a PC-using friend interested in Ares. He has a mac laptop he's waiting to get fixed so he can play EV...and now Ares. 😄


4 from school, and one guy on the net who I played when he was unregistered, then I told him to register and I played him a couple of weeks later and he was registered.


Yeah](<br />
Yeah), so what if I'm an Emo Nerd?

My school has a lab full of iMac DVs. When the six people I normally hang out with can't go out and get chopped, we stay in the lab and anihilate eachother*. To better facilitate net games, they each registered a copy.

*Try getting chopped and playing Ares. It's... interesting.

Man, you guys are good!

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!