Hello Everyone.
I'm Bill Griffin, Long time gamer and game dev dabbler.
I've licensed Torque Engine, Downloaded Crystal Space 3D, and Just
Registered and unstuffed Coldstone.

I'm on a quest to develop not only a game called Endtime,
but to develop the best game development tools-workflow in history.
My belief is game development should be as accessable as page layout.
That game content should be like clipart, that behaviours and functions
should be understood and exportable to whatever the latest programming craze is.

If 3D apps and Image editors can put out quicktime or tiff or jpeg..then plug-ins
and tools should be made that export for Quake or X-Box or Torque or Marathon. Someone out there put a lot of effort into EV NOVA..and in a perfect world an export and a plug in should let you have EV NOVA as Unreal Tournament levels! It might play like crap...but thats where the ART of making it work comes in!

I believe that interactivity like keyboard or gamepad input should not require a single line of code. That what ever you stick in box:Player in your graphic interface automatically understands your current keyboard/gamepad setup.
That variables for player types, physics, etc should be reachable through a plug in interface. Any and all modifications could be output to plug right into many other projects. I should be able to open up templates of games from all over the world and plug my graphics right in...and graphics should be available that work with games.

Well that is what I'm looking to do.
In the meantime, I'm going to try to put Endtime
into every engine I can touch and make the best sense out of
what these engines and tools can offer.

If you would like to help or would like to use Endtime
assets in your project please contact griffin239@mac.com.
I would love to render out creeps for your coldstone or ev nova plugs!
site not up until 5/20/02 earliest

preview at (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/isog/")http://homepage.mac.com/isog/(/url)

In His House of R'Lyeh Cthulhu Waits For Game Tools.

Good luck. You're going to need it.

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet

yeah...luck and hard working people.

Ok back to work.

In His House of R'Lyeh Cthulhu Waits For Game Tools.