How do the caves ork in POG

How does the cave system work in POG I can't figure it out. Sorry that I post so much but I don't know a lot.


Define cave system. Do you mean the tunnels that provide easy transportation?

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet


Originally posted by GrahamVH:
How does the cave system work in POG I can't figure it out. Sorry that I post so much but I don't know a lot.

Mr. GrahamVH,

If you mean how did Beenox make the caves and dungeons in POG, meaning you walk up to the entrance and you are taken inside, this is fairly easy.

First you need to create your dungeon map. Just open up the map editor and create whatever you want. Save the dungeon.

Next create a location with the same name as your dungeon.

Then on your main map that you want to link to the dungeon, you create an event that teleports the player to the dungeon, and link this event to a ground tile. You do this either on the map editor of the main map, or if you are making a plug-in for POG where you want to add a dungeon, then you would add a stamp I believe that would call the event when the player walked across it. Basically what you are doing is specifing a tile that when the player walks on it then an event is called, and the event you want is to send the person to your dungeon.


Now, if you were asking about the tunnel system, as Chechu inquired(sorry, inside joke), then it is actually very similar with one extra stage to it.

You need to make a main location, in this instance called something like "tunnels." Within this main location you will have several links to other locations that are specified with coordinates that the player can click on. When they click on a specified coordinate then they are sent to the location that is specified by that coordinate.

So what Beenox probably did was make an event link on a tile that was in front of the tunnels graphic, so that when the player touched it they were teleported to the main location titled "tunnel." This brings up the tunnel picture which has pre-defined coordinates on it which are centered around the names of places you can go to. When you click on the coordinate you are taken to the location that you specified, which would be the tunnel entrance of the area you selected.

Make sense?

For a more detailed and probably better worded example/instruction set, refer to the Coldstone manual, pages 33 and 34, and look at how the Tavern example works. The tunnels should work exactly like this, if I am not mistaken.

(edit) Thought Cafall replied earlier, not Chechu. Fixed my error. (/edit)
(edit) Edited again because I looked up the manual references and wanted to post where to look for more or better information. (/edit)
Calvin: People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Hobbes: Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 05-10-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 05-10-2002).)