Ares in your School

How many of you have used Ares in your school for projects?

Here are mine that I used for a photoshop class. These pictures are only fictional, so don't ask me for one!


Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

(This message has been edited by Macintosh Man (edited 10-06-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Macintosh Man (edited 10-06-2000).)

Link doesn't work when you copy and paste.... but yeah I have too. Using a screenshot and a school copy of Photoshop, I managed to make a perticularily greusome picture of a Cantharan Carrier going up in a blinding explosion....

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius

Fixed the link in the previous post.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

no my techers would kill me


Can I have one? 😉

Some of those could be neat...if Ares was a commercial product.

School project? Hah, the PCs they force us to use are so pathetic it probably couldn't handle even a simple drawing product. 😄 Also, it wouldn't make sense to the PC users that flood the area...
