Diolouge Problems

Sure, I'm making diolouge in my game... but after I make the answer choices I can't seem to get the diolouge to continue. How do I fix this? I also can't get three of my locations to connect. And I can't find out how to place a hero (Player Char.)! :frown:

Once upon a time. The End. "I'm a real nowhere man, sitting in my nowhere land..."
-Modification on The Beatles song

First off, I'm going to suggest your read the manual cover to cover and do the tutorials included in the game.

Are you sure your connecting the dialogue commands to the answers?

I'm not sure what your doing wrong with locations, it could be a number of different things. Go back and triple check all of your commands.

Use the "Main" event to place the characters starting location (Map Location and Teleport should be the final two commands).