Couple of questions concerning Coldstone

I'm sorry if these questions have been addressed before, but I haven't been able to find anything about them. First of all:

  1. Is there any way to change the Map interface, like with stamps? For instance, can you have a bar or hearts representing health, instead of a text box?

  2. Can you create a text box that can display a global variable?



Originally posted by RyanP:
**I'm sorry if these questions have been addressed before, but I haven't been able to find anything about them. First of all:

  1. Is there any way to change the Map interface, like with stamps? For instance, can you have a bar or hearts representing health, instead of a text box?

  2. Can you create a text box that can display a global variable?


No and yes.


However, since Coldstone uses a system font, in might be possible to simulate a bar display with creative use of special characters. Except. That there isn't a way to add new boxes to an interface!! :frown: Nor is there a way to put your own values in them in any is another one of those bluidy inflexible creativity-stomping automatic engine activities.

Dialogue boxes accept variables.

everywhere else, it's --

Yes, dialog boxes can display variables you make and other aspects of the hero. For example:
"Oh, I'm just walkin' around, there's nothing to do. Nothing at allÉ OMG! I can't believe it! My morale is at &&<name of obscure global variable here>!!!

The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason ŃWizard's Sixth Rule, Faith of the Fallen.


Originally posted by Cafall:
**Yes, dialog boxes can display variables you make and other aspects of the hero. For example:
"Oh, I'm just walkin' around, there's nothing to do. Nothing at allÉ OMG! I can't believe it! My morale is at &&<name of obscure global variable here>!!!


I do rather like the way variables can hold values that can be tested arithmatically; "If &&global01; = 12 then..." and ascii strings; "Say Goodnight Gracie." I tested both briefly.

Has anyone tested if comparative or other operations are possible on an ascii string? I seem to remember WorldBuilder having functions like; "If &&global01; contains 'stone' then..."

everywhere else, it's --

Rats. :frown: It would really suite my game better to have symbols represent health. Is there any way to at least change the size of the text?

When I said text box, I meant a text space, like the health text box. I suppose, though, I could utilize an unused character stat to add a variable to the Main interface.
