ANN: ToosKit

w00tWare has just released ToolsKit. ToolsKit is a set of a CS animation files to use to speed up your map making!

Download at (url="http://"")the Coldstone addons page(/url) or (url="http://"")the w00tWare page(/url)

From Read Me:

Tools Kit is a bunch of Tools (see p31 of the Coldstone User Manual) for use with the Coldstone map editor.

It contains: Draws black pits on cave earth Draws earth on water Draws yellow grass on earth Draws yellow grass on grass Draws dark swamp water on swamp water Draws lava on cave earth Draws light water on sand Draws sand on grass Draws swamp water on earth Draws swamp water on grass Draws water on light water

These three are the ones that come with CS, just re-named for the sake of consistintsy: Draws earth on grass Draws water on grass Draws Dark Grass on Grass

(edit: UBB fix)
(url="http://"")EVO w00tware stuff!(/url)

WowÉ not only does your ToolsKit help me make maps, your post told me how to use terrain tools!
This calls for a celebrationÉ #coldstone topic change!!!

The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason ŃWizard's Sixth Rule, Faith of the Fallen.

(This message has been edited by Cafall (edited 02-16-2002).)

Indeed...hopefully R&R; will develop nice tools for Coldstone...ATMOS has only the best to say about them. 🙂

New Fortress of Die Nacht released! (12/20) (url="http://"")Download it from here!(/url) | | (url="http://"")direct download(/url) | | (url="http://"")Progress Log (12/20)(/url)


Originally posted by theGlueBubble:
**Indeed...hopefully R &R; will develop nice tools for Coldstone...ATMOS has only the best to say about them. 🙂


BTW, this set of additions is entirely Rodger's effort - he thought it might be useful. He is getting stuck right into his own game with CodeStone too.


(url="http://"") w00tWare (/url) : NovaTools are coming.


Originally posted by DrRalph:
**BTW, this set of additions is entirely Rodger's effort - he thought it might be useful. He is getting stuck right into his own game with CodeStone too.



Well done Rodger, I look forward to your game and any more tools you decide to knock out.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

"Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge, you may not know the hardships people don't speak of,
It's best to step back, and observe with couth, for we all must meet our moment of truth." - (url="http://"")Guru(/url)


This set of additions is entirely Rodger's effort

Yes, I noticed in the documentation.
I'm having a small problemÉ when I draw on, say, grass, with one of the tools, I can't see any visible change in the map editor. This may be linked the cause of the fact that these tools have no pictures and therefore can only be selected in list view.

The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason ŃWizard's Sixth Rule, Faith of the Fallen.