Top Down vs. Angle View

Forgive me if this has already been discussed. I was working on the tileset for my game (in angle view) when I ran into a problem. Any tile that dosn't lie flat on the ground, such as water, looks strange at corners, unless you (a) change the vertical tile, thus making in look very strange (like they did in POG) or (🆒 make 4 extra tiles for corners (which uses more memory and increases loading times). Also, rendering the angled views so they match up perfectly is incredibly tedious. Is it really worth it do do angled view? Or should I just go with a straight top down view and make everything easier for myself?

(/mindless babble)

could you put a pic up or something - i think i know what you mean but i'm not sure

anyway angled view games have other problems - but at least you can see your character and not just his head or shoulders...
