Coldstone CD question - standalone or archive?

Does the CD that Coldstone is shipped out on contain only the Coldstone related
items(ie, the program, the docs, the libraries, etc), or is it on the compendium
CD that includes the other games that Ambrosia has published?

I guess my question is if Coldstone is included on a compendium CD, would I be better
off waiting until EVN is out and order 1 CD with everything(besides the obvious, "No
telling when that will be out)? When EVN is released will it be on a CD with Coldstone?


Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

It contains only Coldstone related stuff.

Dee Brown
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"") (check our new web site!)
(url="http://"")Coldstone Game Engine(/url) / (url="http://"")Pillars of Garendall(/url) developers

On a related question- I ordered the Coldstone CD, and ordered the Ambrosia CD while I was at it.

Today, I received a mailer with the Ambrosia CD and my license code for Coldstone-- but no Coldstone CD.

Has the Coldstone CD shipped and I just didn't get one, or should I still expect it in the mail at a future time?


marc siry
century city, usa

I got my Ambrosia CD too. (I was afraid the postman wouldn't make it through the blizzard, but that's another story altogether.) I'm pretty sure Coldstone will come later, 'cause they probably had the Ambrosia CDs ready, but the Coldstone CDs had to be pressed. That's my judgement anyhow.


Fruit kabobs----

I ordered the Coldstone CD and the Pillars Of Garendall CD a couple of weeks ago... They haven't arrived yet but maybe thats because I live in Australia

Power Corrupts, and Absolute
Power Corrupts Absolutely.