Should I register??

Hi Shrout,

I'm loathe to post links to my "real world" job, as I don't want to be misconstrued as speaking for my employer. However, there's a couple of hints in my previous message, and I'll tell you this much:

  1. It's an Adventure game, programmed in Shockwave, using 2-D sprites with an isometric view. For battles, it switches to a "battle screen" where two characters face each other and engage in turn-based combat.

  2. The subject of the game is based on a popular cartoon from Asia. The characters are into self-improvement in a Darwinian fashion.

  3. The game took three months time of four full-time employees- one artist, one programmer, one writer and one producer. And it still blows!

I'm looking forward to Coldstone efforts from the assembled throngs that make our game look bad 🙂 Additionally, I'm pushing Coldstone as a new development environment, replacing Shockwave for monolithic games (and using Flash for online games). If that sort of attitude becomes widespread, Coldstone may end up being a vital job skill, like Flash or Shockwave are today!

Good luck with your project. I suggest you put your game together in Coldstone using the supplied art as proxies, and when you find an artist as passionate as you are about the game, they can do a full replacement. That's what the included library is for-- to give non-artists a leg up on game development.

marc siry
century city, usa


What do you think is the best (affordable.... free) sprite development software? What did you use? Is there anything out there that can help you make sprites? (20 questions, eh?) Do you think that the art is probably one of the hardest parts or do they sort of balance each other? Anywho... With Coldstone it's lookin' to me like the art will be the hardest part, all of the other stuff would seem to be done for you. I guess figuring out how to make it work will be interesting too. Have you ever messed with Hera? I wonder how this will compare. Well, I already called my friend and had to practically hang up on him because I needed to study for my tests tomorrow - he sounds very interested in helping me make something.

And so Shrout1 finally arrived
And there was Excessive Cheating™

Come visit the (url="http://"")Nova6 Webboards(/url).

For making 3 d graphics for free:,, pixels 3d (if you can find a copy of 3.6), meshworks (very low poly.) amai 3d ( -select the picture of ampai in the bottom lfet of teh page, very good nurbs (organics)) .

low cost: hash animation master ( is about $200 i think.

For 2d- Gimp (macosx) or graphic converter (very limited) Photoshop LE is often free with programs adobe programs, or is about $100 otherwise (although i think it was replace with photoshop elements) painter (from corel) is a relatively cheap decent program.

those arethe ones i can think of off the top of my head 🙂 I'll agree, if youre making graphics from scratch, it can iconsume the most of your time, especially with no programming in coldstone.
good luck!


What about sound effects? I've seen synthesizer type programs that you can use to make them, but it seems hard and the programs I've seen are quite complex. Or what about music? Where can I get software that could help me with that? I don't have an actual synthesizer but I've heard of things that allow you to lay out songs note by note on your computer. My problem is that I have no musical experience whatsoever. I think my friend plays piano though and can read music so maybe we'll turn out all right. Has anyone ever done ay music for a game? I should ask Nathon Lamont how he did it.

And so Shrout1 finally arrived
And there was Excessive Cheating™

Come visit the (url="http://"")Nova6 Webboards(/url).


The characters are into self-improvement in a Darwinian fashion.

OMG. You're kidding. That thing cost $50,000? And this was the one the artists got fired the other day?

Lots of luck, we're all here to learn anyway.

yes but you guys seem to forget good ol' RPG2k or whatever for the PC this is a freeware program that has a traditional turnbase combat system built in so 😛 it's alot better if your looking to make traditional RPG's...seems like us mac users get ripped off in the price area...and one more question can you sell the games made with coldstone or does ambrosia have the rights to the games

" I know what your
thinking but don't worry
I don't bite"

Ok, first, of course you register. I know Canadian money is worth a little less than American, but, still, it's worth it.

Second: Does the CD come with the Mac Classic/OS X/windoes versions? Or can you only register one? Because, though I hate them, I can't play Command and Conquer on anything but a PC (except for under X, but I ain't got $500)... :frown:



Originally posted by andrew:
**What you can create is limited until Coldstone is registered (your stand-alone games will have large ugly "not for distribution" notices on them), and there are other limitations as well. $49 is fairly inexpensive for what you get, actually.


Hehehehe....speaking of these, they are REALLY annoying. Anyone aginst ResEdit? Or is that only an EV standard... 🙂

But, say, what are the graphics about? Are there other sets, like in the Midevil one? This sounds SOOOO cool....
