Starting a project from scratch...

The tutorial that alois made was really cool, but how would you create your own project from scratch? What are the minimum necessary steps to make a game with just one map, one character and an NPC?


Quite a few, actually. Im not sure of the exact specs, but I know several events are required (startgame,main,etc.), also, in order for it to actually display the map, youd need a location linked to the map, plus (i think) all the interface pics loaded. And, of course, the npc would need to be defined, and all the map graphics defined. Also, I think there must to be at least one class and skill table, though i could be wrong. Theres probably more, but thats all i know.



Originally posted by jphv:
**Quite a few, actually. Im not sure of the exact specs, but I know several events are required (startgame,main,etc.), also, in order for it to actually display the map, youd need a location linked to the map, plus (i think) all the interface pics loaded. And, of course, the npc would need to be defined, and all the map graphics defined. Also, I think there must to be at least one class and skill table, though i could be wrong. Theres probably more, but thats all i know.


I'm taking the cheap way out. I just took the demo game and deleted stuff until it broke. Then went back to the last saved version! ^_^;;

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