Huge problem. Help!

I was testing my game with Tasks. Anyway, the players gets a task and it appears in the Task List, perfect. Now I saved the game to come back later and I checked my task list and the task is GONE! :redface: I tested everything else (Varibles and such) and everything says that the task has been given. I am not sure if it is Coldstone or I have done something wrong. I use OS X.

Can anyone help?


The only help I can really give is that the OSX editor has some major problems, and they may have transfered into your game. I would suggest building and testing (doing everything) in Classic.

If that doesn't work, wait for 1.0.1 😛 .

Saftey: "Lock the door. And hope they don't have blasters."
-- Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosophy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3

(This message has been edited by watzerman (edited 01-25-2002).)

Thanks, I will try that out. If that does not work, I will have to wait. 😄

Nope, didn't work. I decided to try it with the Medievil tamplate and it doesn't work either. Could it be the save game postfix? It always have .sav but I have noticed in Pillars of Garendall that it has .pog, how did they do that?
