Linked actions?

I have added one dialog with NO questions to click (Ex: "Hello Stranger to my humble house). Then I want to set 3 global variables, I have linked the first but it is not executed as it should. How can I link more than one action?

Also I have imported a rendered background on Coldstone, but the characters are 33% smaller than in POG. The tiles are 256x256 pixels, and since the movement tiles should be about 16, what are the correct values for moving a NPC without going crazy? It changes the angle every single frame!




Originally posted by Amando:
**I have added one dialog with NO questions to click (Ex: "Hello Stranger to my humble house). Then I want to set 3 global variables, I have linked the first but it is not executed as it should. How can I link more than one action?

Also I have imported a rendered background on Coldstone, but the characters are 33% smaller than in POG. The tiles are 256x256 pixels, and since the movement tiles should be about 16, what are the correct values for moving a NPC without going crazy? It changes the angle every single frame!



If I am following correctly, you are using the single link provided with each answer, not linking to the original dialog. Here's what should work better; create the dialog event, add the dialog action, then add three global variable actions in that same event. Within the dialog action there will be nothing but the opening text; no links, no answers. You may need to place the "Set Global" actions before the dialog action; with no answer the only way to halt the dialog is for the player to click outside the box.

Do you mean the NPC "changes angle with every frame"? Sounds like you have a uneven number of frames in the sprite. Not only do they have to be in specific order (N, NE, SE, E, SW, W, NW) but the total number needs to be divisible by 8.

everywhere else, it's --