Alpha Channels

Is there any way to assign better alpha channels then the ones the game automatically gives to white areas? I've been making npc's and they have little white borders, and any pure white areas of the characters are inv. any way to have better transparency? or any way to easily edit the edges of images in photoshop? (editing a lot of images manually takes way too much time). also, any way to change the transparency color incase you want to have a white object?
any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


Read page 87 of the manual.


Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )

ahh, png., thanks. I've read most of the manual, but I never thought to find my answer in image formats 🙂

Check my reply to the 2 map interface problems: please help! topic.
I found that making graphics initially larger and then selecting them in Pshop, copying them in a new transaparant document, and then scaling the entire image to the desired size produces the best edges of the graphics. Then choose save for web, and select png.

"Get back to work, you slacker!" - Duke Nukem

Does the alpha channel really work?

Unfortunately it does not work fo me. I created transparent pngs (8-, 24-, 32-bit) under Fireworks and/or Photoshop with alpha transparency but none of them will be displayed correctly in coldstone.
Does the coldstone graphic-engine only support a "1-bit transparency"? Or is it a problem with my version/configuration. I´m useing a PB 400 under MacOSX 10.1.2 and coldstone 1.0.

There is a screenshot for illustration under: (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....tone_screen.gif(/url)

Can anybody help?

My english is still in beta but i learn, i learn, Mr. Fawlty!