Is this possible?

Having an item that lets you switch maps, but puts you in the same co-ordinates on the other map, when it's used. If the co-ordinates are inaccessible, you won't be able to use that item here.

Can this be done?



Like Zelda: A link to the Past?

Why look at a window, you just see trough, when you can look at a beatiful apple?

Yes, just switch maps without switching coordinates.

But like in link to the past, you'll need to make sure you can't do it just anywhere. Since it's not possible to check for access in an event (that's something I'm hoping for though), You'd have to limit it.



Originally posted by RaZ:
**Like Zelda: A link to the Past?


Yeah, that's what gave me the idea.

In terms of the plot, it switches time periods. So to the user, the location doesn't change, they just get slung 10000 years back in time, or whatever. Normally there won't be a limit on where you do it, but later in the game the Evil Enemy will come along and put a spell on you, limiting it a bit.




Originally posted by Amorya:
**Yeah, that's what gave me the idea.

In terms of the plot, it switches time periods. So to the user, the location doesn't change, they just get slung 10000 years back in time, or whatever. Normally there won't be a limit on where you do it, but later in the game the Evil Enemy will come along and put a spell on you, limiting it a bit.



Dammit. Stop telepathically yoinking my ideas! 😉 I was just playing Zelda:LttP on my SNES emulator, I think I can probably manage it's level of graphics so that's what I'm going to base my game on. I was also going to include time travel, but I bet you haven't thought of the cool idea I came up with that uses it (since I decided to base the gameplay onZLttP I've been considering leaving the time travel out, it's still in the nebulous planning stage.)
