Classes and races

How do I get the game to ask the player for a class and race at the start of the game? I've created some classes and races but it never gives me an opportunity to select one.


Never mind, I've just found it on my own.


:Edit, delete: Welll, if you are not already stumped, why ask?

(This message has been edited by Celchu (edited 01-19-2002).)

I don´t know how to do that so... how do I do it?

(not editing, I want to know how to select classes!)

--(°-s-y-c-o-/°|-n-g-e-l-------------- - - - - - - -
"I am a wierd! I am a crazy! I am insane! I am PsycoAngel!"

Now I feel stupid. :redface:
Thanks paploo and Dee.
Psyco-In the game information, under Misc., select the choose class dialog or something like that.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.