Please don't stone me to death for asking

Since people have now seen coldstone and the tools it gives you, has anyone found any way (no matter how time consuming, tedious, etc...) to use the coldstone engine to make an rpg that has turn based combat? I just want a final answer on whether there are kludges and innovative ways to do this, or if it's just flat out impossible. Thanks,



Originally posted by Austinc:
**Since people have now seen coldstone and the tools it gives you, has anyone found any way (no matter how time consuming, tedious, etc...) to use the coldstone engine to make an rpg that has turn based combat? I just want a final answer on whether there are kludges and innovative ways to do this, or if it's just flat out impossible. Thanks,

There definitely is a way to do a turn based combat system like Final Fantasy. It would not be a good start for a beginner but an innovative thinker could succeed at the task. Of course, I won't give any instruction since a) I'm tired and 🆒 it would take lot of instructions. Acutally, I was thinking about that today. Perhaps I'll do other tutorials or sample code, this might be an interesting topic.

Just check (url="http://"")Cosmic Memory(/url). Chances are that you won't have a single clue on how I did that with Coldstone. Perhaps in one week, you'll have an idea. And in a couple of weeks, when you'll receive your Coldstone CD :), you'll get the "source code" of it that you'll be able to open and edit in Coldstone!

Dee Brown
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"") (check our new web site!)
(url="http://"")Coldstone Game Engine(/url) / (url="http://"")Pillars of Garendall(/url) developers

(This message has been edited by Dee (edited 01-16-2002).)

On a related note, is there any way of doing this (I've been thinking about it, but I'm running into a few problems):

When you encounter a monster, it teleports you to a combat screen map which has the monster in it (think Lufia II, Chrono Trigger (sorta), FFanything, etc...). The problem is telling the battle map which monster to have, I'm not quite sure how to do it. Also, the Coldstone manual mentions "Allies", is it possible to set an NPC to attack other monsters? (a summoned creature, hired mercenary, or AI controlled party member)
