Is it posible to set position from a variable?...

OK, here is something I want to be able to do, but can't figure out how (if it is even possible).

OK, we all know that we can set the map position with the "Map Position" event. However this means that I have to hard code the position I want to go to. What if I want to use the contents of a global variable to set these parameters instead. Is this possible or am I out of luck?

While I'm here, I do have a related (bur more general question), is there any way to modify the values of some of the variables like CameraX and CameraY? I guess I'm looking for something that is hte opposite of the "Change Globals" event. Instead of setting a Global in respect to the Operation Value, I want to change the Operation Value with respect to the Global. (Of course, this only makes sense for some of the op values, and a whole slew of them are covered by the "Attribute Wizard" event.



P.S. - Is this board meant for in depth discussion like this, or should this be taken to another forum?

Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )


Originally posted by Paploo:
**OK, here is something I want to be able to do, but can't figure out how (if it is even possible).

OK, we all know that we can set the map position with the "Map Position" event. However this means that I have to hard code the position I want to go to. What if I want to use the contents of a global variable to set these parameters instead. Is this possible or am I out of luck?


Have you tried to use tag values? Like &&gbMyGlobalX; and &&gbMyGlobalY; in the two fields? I'm at home and I don't have access to either the doc or the code so I'm only guessing (believe it or not, this thing is quite big and I don't recall everything).

Dee Brown
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"") (check our new web site!)
(url="http://"")Coldstone Game Engine(/url) / (url="http://"")Pillars of Garendall(/url) developers


Originally posted by Dee:
**Have you tried to use tag values? Like &&gbMyGlobalX; and &&gbMyGlobalY; in the two fields? I'm at home and I don't have access to either the doc or the code so I'm only guessing (believe it or not, this thing is quite big and I don't recall everything).


Yup. I tried entering that into the "Map Position" event editor, but when the text field loses focus, it resets the entered value to zero. It seems to only accept hard coded numerical values.



Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )