Hey, List the games you wanna make!


Originally posted by theGlueBubble:

theGlueBubble has completed his first karma ban. ๐Ÿ˜›


So, do you feel more like a man now, Gluey? Was it fun, was it enjoyable to see the sheer terror of his face as you pulled out the sharp...... hang on.... Oops!



"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(This message has been edited by Tarnฤ‡lion Andiyarus (edited 11-19-2001).)

I was going to make an RPG anyway, along with my friend, even before we heard about coldstone. So we're going to use coldstone but do the same as we otherwise would: me coding, him graphics and sound, and us both the plot.

I may post an example script from it soon so some people might anticipate it... the game's called Maximus Peacock and the Search for the Infinite P, and it's set over multiple time periods. Basically, the evil enemy Evil Enemy has gone on a rampage throughout history, using one of only two time travel staffs in existance. This has disrupted the harmony of the universe and shattered the Infinite P.

The Funky Boogie Man (as Maximus says, "Totally sad name, dude... and I'm all for piercings, but so many?") owns the other staff, and he guides Maximus throughout various time periods to right the wrongs. But Evil Enemy persuades Maximus to steal the staff, and he gets stuck in one of the time periods...

I'll shut up now. Play the game if you want more ๐Ÿ™‚


I would like to make a Marathon RPG, YAY MARATHON IS OPEN SOURCE and also base some on some Eddings books. However my current project is CGForge which is mostly for you guys and non - profit. however i need help so please reply to my post at the main board if your interested in help with either of these
