chronicles (again)

Are people needed to check chronicle submissions cos I'd be happy to do it.

I love cheddar!!!

Thanks for your offer, but GlueBubble is managing well. He releases one chronicle each week, so each one gets a fair go at being read. Maybe he could release two each week? Gluey?

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"I don't know how radical you are or how radical I am. I am certainly not radical enough; that is, one must always try to be as radical as reality itself" - Lenin


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**Thanks for your offer, but GlueBubble is managing well. He releases one chronicle each week, so each one gets a fair go at being read. Maybe he could release two each week? Gluey?


Yeah, I think I may do that...I fell down last week due to the fact I wasn't home during the weekend (when I have time to read and release).

As to Paddy helping with 'em...that'd be something to take up with Andrew.

Fortress of Die Nacht: An upcoming game from Aviary Productions.
(url="http://"")Go take a look!(/url) | (url="http://"")FoDN Progress Log(/url)

I just felt I owed something to the community here, and maybe if I helped then it would be easier for the rest of ya.

I love cheddar!!!

I'd be willing to help as well, but it seems like you've got it covered, Glue.
If you do need help, I'm here as well.

When asked what his favorite bible verse was, Bill Clinton calmly responded. "John 16:3"
"These things they have said because they know not the father nor me." -John 16:3

Thanks indeed for the sentiments...I'll cover it for now, but if for some reason (increased chronicles, decreased time on my part) I need help in the future, I'll remember to either post for people willing to help, or send an email to andrew with your names. Thanks again!

Fortress of Die Nacht: An upcoming game from Aviary Productions.
(url="http://"")Go take a look!(/url) | (url="http://"")FoDN Progress Log(/url)