Need help from previous beta downloaders.

All I need is one thing and the moderaters are free to do what they like with this topic.

If anybody out there has a copy of coldstone b4 please send it to the email below.

I need it so I can understand the abilities of it better so I can be more prepared fo rthe final release. (I know that it will be drastically changed but it will still help me alot)

Thanx, John 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Hey, Stay tooned for the most fun game created by Coldstone! By, J. Ballentine

Heh. Beta 4 has expired, for one. For two, I doubt many email addresses will accept that big of a file... 😛

Fortress of Die Nacht: An upcoming game from Aviary Productions.
(url="http://"")Go take a look!(/url)

Ahem. Not to mention that AmbrosiaSW/Beenox will not release the betas to non-beta testers.



As well as the high chance of anyone caught giving away a beta copy to a non-beta-tester will get in big "dodo".


Originally posted by JB5AGENT:
**All I need is one thing and the moderaters are free to do what they like with this topic.

If anybody out there has a copy of coldstone b4 please send it to the email below.

I need it so I can understand the abilities of it better so I can be more prepared fo rthe final release. (I know that it will be drastically changed but it will still help me alot)

Thanx, John 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


::eyes shimmer in the shadows, speaks::

you are either really young or really slow to continue to ask these questions,, go read the faq or perhaps just observe until you get a feel for what's going on here, and above all...if there's is a previous post with a topic similar to what you want to ask read it first...

Bah newbie's and their incessant query..."but wait , Chill weren't you new once..." i have been around since the beginning biding my time,learning growing


Originally posted by chill_rx:
**::eyes shimmer in the shadows, speaks::

you are either really young or really slow to continue to ask these questions,, go read the faq or perhaps just observe until you get a feel for what's going on here, and above all...if there's is a previous post with a topic similar to what you want to ask read it first...

Although this request from the guy is a lottle to much(yes, lottle), he's a newbie. And despite what your sig might say, you were new once. Even if you have been here longer then andrew, you were still new once. Newbies will be newbies, and will ask newbie questions. BUT, if they ask something that was just answered VERY recently, put a link in his(/her) thread to where the question was answered and lock that thread. If it hasn't been answered in the past 10 days(or within 2 pages of the most recent post), answer it again.

p.s. - you forgot --> :: So Says The... waitasecond. I take that back. nevermind. Um, So Says The,(b/) uh... (b)Mouse!
Er. Nevermind.

psssst...if you're there from the beginning , there are no questions only answers...i listened and lurked and finally began posting later on, but i was never a newbie...

Ä„...So Says The Chill !

Bah newbie's and their incessant query..."but wait , Chill weren't you new once..." i have been around since the beginning biding my time,learning growing

I didn't know I wasn't allowed to have the beta, my bad.
I just thought they released it 2 everyone who wanted to try it.

Hey, Stay tooned for the most fun game created by Coldstone! By, J. Ballentine