Non-Fantasy RPGs?

hrm..there might be a problem with the way the car moves, coldstone has no inertia system, and getting a smooth drive via a tileset would be near impossible.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"I don't know how radical you are or how radical I am. I am certainly not radical enough; that is, one must always try to be as radical as reality itself" - Lenin

Hrm... that does sound like a problem... what to do now...

.... So, two guys walk into a bar...... the third guy ducked.

In AutoDuel, the mechanics were fairly simple. The up and down arrow keys basically acted as an acclerator and brake......hitting down after you had come to a stop would make you reverse, and you controlled your car with the left and right arrow keys.

I guess the big problem would be if coldstone couldn't handle the idea of a vehicle with its own rate of constant speed.....if you have to click everywhere you want to go, and can't have any sort of automovement or control of speed, it would be a fundamental problem for doing this type of game.

I've been playing PoG a bit, and it is a little hard to control. It's definitely smoother than that old demo movie, but I had a hard time targeting NPC's and getting a conversation started, and then with trying to target and hit NPC's that were attacking me.



you could code your game so that when the car reached the destination the car did a skid, that might be quite cool. You could set up a list of animations that was chosen randomly (skid, hangbrake spin, hard brake etc etc). It would add realism to the game, plus people would get used to clicking as they move, meaning the skid/stop animation would only happen when they did actually stop.

Just an idea...

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"I don't know how radical you are or how radical I am. I am certainly not radical enough; that is, one must always try to be as radical as reality itself" - Lenin

heh, can't wait to see if you all actually pull through with all these great projects.

When 1 hero falls, send in 10 heros to replace him -news analyst on the firefighters

Aww, this car thing sounds frickn awsome.

I wish I was more original than that, I've been typing a script on my:
"gothic-anime-mecha" rpg. Thou I doubt it will ever be done. I so wish I had just one 3D application. Im getting some tight ideas for combat (finishing moves)

Possability to be finished, or even started: 20%

"VAL VICTUS!!!... crap, did I miss-pronounce that?"

I'm thinking of making a war RPG about the war that's going on now, sort of, its going to be fiction, and it won't be the kind that people will have a taboo of.

John Ballentine

I'm not aware of any countries that are currently at war. There has been some rhetoric about the terrorist act being an act of war or a declaration of war, but that isn't quite accurate. Which isn't to say that it isn't likely there will be a war soon.

Either way, you're free to do what you want, but keep in mind you'll need to be VERY careful. You run the risk of either seriously offending or disgusting someone, or of trivializing something that is very serious by fictionalizing it or making a game of it. I'm not saying that's what you're going to do, but it is something you should keep in mind.



Yes, I TOTALLY understand that... by the way, it has been announced yesterday that america has declared war on the arabs...

Now back to what I was saying, it will probably be so light that people won't even know what it's based on.

Hey, Stay tooned for the most fun game created by Coldstone! By, J. Ballentine

Oh, but we haven't attacked them yet, they won't tell us about that until they've already finished the operation.

Hey, Stay tooned for the most fun game created by Coldstone! By, J. Ballentine


Originally posted by JB5AGENT:
**Oh, but we haven't attacked them yet, they won't tell us about that until they've already finished the operation.


Your statements are the most inaccurate statements I've heard in a long time.

Fortress of Die Nacht: An upcoming game from Aviary Productions.
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Sorry, you are correct, it is inaccurate, what I meant to say was that the us announce dthey will more than likely declare war, but they won't tell us about they're planned attack because the arabs will be able to prepare if the word gets out.

thanx for the correction, John

PS: Let's not talk about that anymore, we're getting off subject, and that's kind of sad to think about.

Hey, Stay tooned for the most fun game created by Coldstone! By, J. Ballentine

From the War Powers Act, the united states never has to officially declare war. The President has a time period of 60 days I believe (maybe 90, haven't read the act in a while) where he can basically use the military for any purpose, although after that time period he needs Congress to declare war to continue funding the operation.

I.e. during Viet Nam, the US never officially declared war. The War Powers Act was actually drafted as a response to Viet Nam, but it hasn't really worked out as expected.

Anyway, this discussion isn't really relevant, I was simply saying that making a game about a subject like this is something you have to be very careful about. There is a game out now about the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is a war simulation of various wars between Israel and various Arab nations. This was done as a pure simulation and is fairly serious, so it is generally considered to be ok.

Anyway, just be careful and be mindful of the subject matter you're planning on dealing with.


Yeah you're right, I shouldn't base the storyline on it, I'm in the middle of rendering military sprites so I'm just gonna make a military game, nothing too risky. Nothing is written in stone about anything though.

Hey, Stay tooned for the most fun game created by Coldstone! By, J. Ballentine

Please keep conversation of current evens in Just Chat. There are several feisty conversations about them going on there.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.
"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" --Benjamin Franklin.