Another one joins the mob...

Alright, I've read all the posts to date, in all the Coldstone Forum Boards, I've read all the reviews, the hype, the jive, and all the rumors of Coldstone. Wow. I have been waiting for this kind of software for a very long long time. I have been through the mess of mediocre developing tools. I've gone as complex as possible with the old Development release of Cocoa (Now Stagecast), Worldbuilder, Hypercard, GameMaker, just about all of them. I bet alot of you have too. I have heard alot of good things in these posts, alot of good ideas, and from the sounds of it, alot of great talents amoungst the awaiting masses, waiting for the moment when Coldstone is released. Blessed be the day. I know from experiance how awesome the idea of creating your very own game, all on your own sounds. It's hard. It's frustrating, and usually goes sour. I believe that perhaps we should band together in small groups, those who have alike ideas, varieties in talents, and start giving the mac community something great. Ambrosia and Beenox are giving us the chance. Let's make something of it, shall we? I know most of you right now are saying..."Who in the world wants to work together? I want to make it MY way, not help someone else!" Yeah, I'll probably start that way too. But then we have a hundred people, all starting games, trying to chug through it all, doing all the graphics, all the scripting, all the storylines, all the sounds, etc. Blah. It's tough on your own. Perhaps I'll be ignored. Eh, it happens. But if any of you are looking to perhaps work together, e-mail me, talk to me on AIM (Bratt99). I'm mostly a Graphic Artist, going to College for it too. I'm somewhat of a writer. I've done Myth 1&2 Scripting and Mapping, I've created Marathon Maps, I have even gotten half way on rebuilding a new Nanosaur at one time (Phew was that work!). I've got some ideas I'd like to use, and I'm sure there are lots of ideas alot better than mine! But let's try to help eachother out, ok?

AIM: Bratt99
ICQ: 49462070

Liquid Squid

Welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy your stay here, and that Coldstone is indeed the tool for you.

Do you have any examples of your work? I'd be quite interested in collaborating if your work fits my needs/

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline

Funny you should ask! Actually I wish I could put up some of the games I have thrown together, but alas they bit the dust when they weren't in use anymore and I needed that precious hard drive space. However I have already begun construction on a character I want to use in a future Coldstone game, and pics of him will be posted to the Gallery as soon as I have something substantial to show. He is a dwarf character, and I feel that dwarves have always been shown as the short stubby guys who do all the grunt work, and end up being only camio appearances on games. (Secret of Mana anyone?). I wanted to show a dwarf as a main character, and my ideas for him are kinda of a renegade, pyro maniac, once-a -worker-grunt-turned-solo-assassin sort of dwarf. Actually now that I have thought of it I'll post some scans of the sketch work I've done for him, I believe some of you will like him. ('Member the good ole dwarves from Myth 1 & 2?). Necro, I've been paying attention to some of the things you've done, but if you'd refresh my memory as to where your strengths and weaknessess lay in game devo, it'd be neat to see what we could offer one another.

Liquid Squid

Yes, welcome aboard. We need more people around here who are competent in media production. 🙂

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.


Originally posted by Bratt99:
**Necro, I've been paying attention to some of the things you've done, but if you'd refresh my memory as to where your strengths and weaknessess lay in game devo, it'd be neat to see what we could offer one another.


Well, I'd like to consider myself as a designer, but as I'm a Coldstone beta tester I've achieved what I consider to be expert level at the programme, so when the program comes out I'll be able code/script pretty much anything within the engine's constraints. I don't like to continue blowing my trumpet, but I'm adept at Photoshop and illustrator, so I can make user interfaces as well. At 3D stuff I'm at a fairly basic level, I can create models with quite deep levels of complexity (I use Infini-D, Poser and occaisonally CInema 4D GO), but I suck at texturing. But from what you say you seem to be quite good at 3D stuff.

I can't promise I can comit to anything at the moment, but I'll be willing to talk about a game and draft some design docs and stuff. When Coldstone comes out, I'll need an artist, so we could work together if you wish.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline

Yeah, actually it sounds like we'd make a good team. Now I'm sure you've got a set storyline, ideas, characters, NPC, etc. that you'd want to use in your first game. I haven't my dreams set on anything at the moment really, but I'd like to hear what you got cookin, perhaps I'd be interested in helping you where I could. Sprites are always tough to get to work right, especially in the format they need to be in (I.E. at an angled view, to look right when set in the map. We'd have to figure out exactly what angle, but it's usually between 30 and 45 Degrees. I dunno what looks good with the way Coldstone sets them.) And I kinda want to use that cutscene capapbility that CS has to the utmost advantage. C'mon, we all know that killer movies during the plotline help out the games popularity! Well, before I get ahead of myself I do have to note that commitment is a toughy, cause I'm startin school again soon, heh, in about a week! But my comp should be re setup within that period of time down on campus, and I'll have alot more free time than I do now. Also, Necro, I do alot of sound stuff, and especially alot of music stuff. So we would have that base covered as well! Anyway, I'm sure there are more out there on this board with mad skillz as well, let's all hear from you guys too!

Liquid Squid

You didn't happen to have any widely distributed World Builder games, did you? It's been a long time since I looked through all of those, but I thought I remembered liquid squid and some dog games? Could be a pipe dream.


](<br />
I) I don't know why I put this...ok I do but whatever.

Sorry Yorick, I believe none of my stints with WorldBuilder ever saw any public (Except a few friends) and definitely none ever were completed. I found that system a little clunky for my tastes. The name Liquid Squid Productions has gotten around a little, having thrown out a few Cocoa examples around the 'net, showing some intriguing character effects. Also I have helped out a few people on Marathon Conversions and the likes. I haven't done any publicity on anything I create, feeling all my projects as of yet not good enough for people to see. But things will be completely different with Coldstone. I feel that I will at last be able to bring a few things to this Mac Community of ours. And maybe see an article or two in MacAddict, and MacUser perhaps? Hey we can all dream, right?

Liquid Squid

hmm... I'm in a bit of a pickle on this subject. I know I can't do everything for myself: I don't know the first thing about music, and I have only a pedestrian knowledge of game design. I would call on the help of someone else, but I don't think they'd be able to work with me. my story and characters are set in stone, excepting the minor adaptions I need to make to fit them into the mold of an RPG. I've been writing (and re-writing) it for over a decade now, so I'm not really open to suggestions. I just hope there are some musicians out there who won't mind going without a say in the plot of the game they're working on...

or maybe I'll just make a silent game! 😄

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.

a musicless game with hyper-realistic ambiant sound effects would be great as far as I'm, just where to find those effects...


I know the last beta release that was publicly available (pre-ambrosia) you were limited to how many sound effects per map you can have...I'm glad that version is so far behind current betas it should never even have been mentioned 😉

{edited for spelling}

(This message has been edited by sanko (edited 08-09-2001).)


Originally posted by sanko:
**a musicless game with hyper-realistic ambiant sound effects would be great as far as I'm, just where to find those effects...


I know the last beta release that was publicly available (pre-ambrosia) you were limited to how many sound effects per map you can have...I'm glad that version is so far behind current betas it should never even have been mentioned

{edited for spelling}**

go to
and look around here are plenT of good sound effects to be had...i think there is one called,(not sure)

"I'm not imagining things, you bastards deleted my reply, may carpal tunnel befall you all"


Originally posted by Bratt99:
**Alright, I've read all the posts to date, in all the Coldstone Forum Boards, I've read all the reviews, the hype, the jive, and all the rumors of Coldstone. Wow. I have been waiting for this kind of software for a very long long time. I have been through the mess of mediocre developing tools. I've gone as complex as possible with the old Development release of Cocoa (Now Stagecast), Worldbuilder, Hypercard, GameMaker, just about all of them.

I also have tried the slew of other game engines, tools (including sword dreams/and 'HUGO' for those of you who turned to I.F.) , but this does seem to be the most complete solution to game creation outside of a real programming language . The truth of the matter is that this is Mac game creators only real option

My new site go now,

Hey, by the way I got those preliminary sketches uploaded and will be up on the Gallery board within a few minutes of this posting. Necro, these are very proto stuff, and I've been busy settling into College, in case you were all wondering why I was gone MIA for a few weeks there. Aight, I gotta up those pics, and I'll check to see what y'all think.

Liquid Squid

(QUOTE)Originally posted by sanko:
a musicless game with hyper-realistic ambiant sound effects would be great as far as I'm, just where to find those effects...

I started writing a tutorial on basic sound design a while ago, and if there's enough interest I'll finish it. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be able to take $200 worth of recording gear (believe me, $200 is CHEAP in the recording world), and make all the cool sounds you want and tweak them to taste.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.