
What is tweening in the cs animation editor?


tweening means to produce the 'inbetween' frames of an animation. for the cs animator, I'd guess it means that you can lay down keyframes for a scripted in-game cutscenes and coldstone will interpolate between your keyframes at a desired framerate.

ex: you want your character to move from the left side of the screen to the right, so you lay down a keyframe of your character standing on the left edge and a key frame 10 sec. in the future of him standing on the right side of the screen. the computer produces the frames in the middle.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.

You can see this concept at work in animation programs such as Macromedia Flash and Adobe Imageready.

We shall accept payment in a large briefcase. American dollar good for this purpose. LARGE briefcase, remember. -- forge

actually, (url="http://"")here's(/url) tweening at work in ColdStone. those big dots are keyframes, the little gray dots in-between are 'tweened' places where the computer will place a frame of whatever is being moved along the line. you only have to place three frames in that picture, and you'll have an animation of 40ish frames. that's the beauty of computer animation. for traditional (cell) animation, there would be some guy (or girl) working 12 hours a day for $5 an hour filling in the tweened frames. the advent of the computer has done much to eliminate this position in the industry.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.


Originally posted by jmitchell:
**tweening means to produce the 'inbetween' frames of an animation. for the cs animator, I'd guess it means that you can lay down keyframes for a scripted in-game cutscenes and coldstone will interpolate between your keyframes at a desired framerate.

Cool. That means I won't have to draw every single frame of character movement. Or does it only work in movies in CS?

Heh. I can too spell. Most of the time...
(see title)


Originally posted by Deamon:
**Cool. That means I won't have to draw every single frame of character movement. Or does it only work in movies in CS?

no, you'll still have to draw what are called "walk cycles" to make your character appear to be putting his/her feet down as he/she moves. but for in-game cutscenes (and maybe some other things, I'm not sure) you won't have to draw all of the frames of your character moving back and forth across the screen while their walk cyle is looping to create the appearance of a person pacing naturaly from point to point.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.

To summarize:

Coldstone will not make sprite artwork for you. Each frame of sprite artwork you want seen will need to be provided.

Coldstone will assist you in how that artwork is placed--and if the sprite artwork is supposed to move, that is what Motion Paths and Tweening are for.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.


Originally posted by Deamon:
**Originally posted by jmitchell:
tweening means to produce the 'inbetween' frames of an animation. for the cs animator, I'd guess it means that you can lay down keyframes for a scripted in-game cutscenes and coldstone will interpolate between your keyframes at a desired framerate.

Cool. That means I won't have to draw every single frame of character movement. Or does it only work in movies in CS?

As has been so eloquently put by Jon Mitchell and Sanehatter, 'tweening still requires that you create and draw the 'inbetween' frames. 'Morphing' is the technique of having the computer create and place images in an animation. Morphing, though, is usually only useful if the image is to change its' appearance (possibly drastically) and not simply walking, running or using weapons; as having your PC be hit by a spell that changes he/she into a toad, say. You could use morphing to produce the 'humanoid/toad' sequence, but you would still have to create and draw all the images associated with the PC-as-Toad if the PC were to continue in the game as a toad (moving with 'tweening sequences.) Until another morph sequence turned the toad back into the original character.


------------------ wasn't me...

(This message has been edited by SkipMeier (edited 08-10-2001).)


Originally posted by SkipMeier:
**As has been so eloquently put by Jon Mitchell and Sanehatter, 'tweening still requires that you create and draw the 'inbetween' frames. 'Morphing' is the technique of having the computer create and place images in an animation. Morphing, though, is usually only useful if the image is to change its' appearance (possibly drastically) and not simply walking, running or using weapons; as having your PC be hit by a spell that changes he/she into a toad, say. You could use morphing to produce the 'humanoid/toad' sequence, but you would still have to create and draw all the images associated with the PC-as-Toad if the PC were to continue in the game as a toad (moving with 'tweening sequences.) Until another morph sequence turned the toad back into the original character.



Then I'll ask if CS has a morphing feature, and also if it doesn't, which programs can do morphing.

Also, and I know this is kinda off-topic, but I can't find where it was answered before. Anyways, I need the latest 68k compatable version of GraphicConverter, so any information on where I can get it would be great.

Heh. I can too spell. Most of the time...
(see title)


Originally posted by SkipMeier:
**Jon Mitchell

The name's Jed. No biggie.


Originally posted by Deamon:
**Then I'll ask if CS has a morphing feature, and also if it doesn't, which programs can do morphing.

Also, and I know this is kinda off-topic, but I can't find where it was answered before. Anyways, I need the latest 68k compatable version of GraphicConverter, so any information on where I can get it would be great.


I seriously doubt ColdStone will have a morphing feature. that's the realm of a graphic developement tool. you can find a little freeware app almost anywhere though.

(url="http://"")here(/url) is the 68k version of Graphic Converter.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.


Originally posted by Deamon:
Then I'll ask if CS has a morphing feature, and also if it doesn't, which programs can do morphing.

Given Coldstone's approach to being a game creation tool, not a graphics creation tool, I think I can safely say that Coldstone will not do morphing; Most people who require this sort of functionality will likely be creating their graphics with an animation package of some kind; even something like Macromedia Flash can do morphing.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.


Originally posted by jmitchell:

here is the 68k version of Graphic Converter.


Heh. I can too spell. Most of the time...
(see title)

So does this mean that tweening can be called as an event in the middle of a game. For example, you're fighting a big orange demon atop a HUGE mountain, his health goes lower thna 25% and suddenly, he flaps his wings and flies away to the top point on the mountain. Or something like you're walking down a lonely street and as soon as you touch a certain point on the map, your character automatically walks over to a building and kicks a door down and enters. I know these are weird examples but they're are the best that I could come up with.



Originally posted by Kireck L:
**So does this mean that tweening can be called as an event in the middle of a game. For example, you're fighting a big orange demon atop a HUGE mountain, his health goes lower thna 25% and suddenly, he flaps his wings and flies away to the top point on the mountain. Or something like you're walking down a lonely street and as soon as you touch a certain point on the map, your character automatically walks over to a building and kicks a door down and enters. I know these are weird examples but they're are the best that I could come up with.


Yep. Call an event on the movement (or event) layer to display animation, then move player from point A to point B.



Wonderful news! Another (less important) question, during events and everything, does the camera always stay centered on the main character, or is it possible to move it? For example, the first time you you come to the entrance of the jungle, it kinda shows what the whole thing looks like then centers back onto the main character. Is this a possible kind of movement action?



Originally posted by jmitchell:

here is the 68k version of Graphic Converter.



Originally posted by me:



Originally posted by Deamon:


Originally posted by jmitchell:

here is the 68k version of Graphic Converter.



Originally posted by me:

Shoot. I can't get my version of stuffit expander(or my version of stuffit lite) to decode it. The format says .sit, but both programs say it's not a stuffit archive, and when I override Lite's warnings, it shows no files inside(somtimes damagaed .sit files cantain stuff anyways).
I have 5.5 on expander, and 3.6 on Lite. Help?


Originally posted by saphfire:
**Incomplete Download perhaps?


Not likely. I was sitting there when it finished. If it's an incomplete file and I didn't get an error message while it downloaded, it's more likely it was uploaded that way, don't you think?

It said at the site that all the downloaded files required 6.0 of expander or better, but in parenthesis, it said "(5.5 for 68k)", so I'm assuming 6.0 is not 68k compatable, right?

Heh. I can too spell. Most of the time...
(see title)

hmm... I just downloaded it without a hitch. it must be something specific to your machine. I'm sure there's some silly stufit engine incompatability (there always is...), but if nothing works you can download it onto someone else's computer and then transfer it over to yours.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.


Originally posted by jmitchell:
**hmm... I just downloaded it without a hitch. it must be something specific to your machine. I'm sure there's some silly stufit engine incompatability (there always is...), but if nothing works you can download it onto someone else's computer and then transfer it over to yours.


Well, the only other computer in my house that can download and be likely to be able to decode it would be my father's computer, and he'd never let me do something like that.

Perhaps someone here could try e-mailing it to me?

Heh. I can too spell. Most of the time...
(see title)