Facing Directions

I was just thinking for a second and I had a weird thought, is it only possible for a sprite to have the traditional eight directions? Or is it possible to have more like 16 or something? Like in Myth II, you had normal sprites who had 8 facing directions, then you had the larger beasts that had 12, the possibilities were endless. This isn't all THAT important, I'd just like to know.



Originally posted by Kireck L:
**I was just thinking for a second and I had a weird thought, is it only possible for a sprite to have the traditional eight directions? Or is it possible to have more like 16 or something? Like in Myth II, you had normal sprites who had 8 facing directions, then you had the larger beasts that had 12, the possibilities were endless. This isn't all THAT important, I'd just like to know.


Look at the screenshots, in the character maker, I think it's possible...

Greetings, all-powerful archmage!
Finally, you have done it again, as it should have been so many years ago, the archmage powerful enough to gain possession of the ultimate spell. Armageddon is a powerful and frightening spell, as devastating to yourself as to mankind. You will no longer be eligible to receive protection from the council. From now on, you are on your own. Good luck, and may your powers be with you.

Another question, is it only possible to walk onto a spot on the grid? Or can you move on any spot on the screen that is permeable? I ask this because in the quicktime movies, the character SEEMS to be moving tile by tile, but looks can be deceiving, someone please enlighten me.



Originally posted by Kireck L:
**Another question, is it only possible to walk onto a spot on the grid? Or can you move on any spot on the screen that is permeable? I ask this because in the quicktime movies, the character SEEMS to be moving tile by tile, but looks can be deceiving, someone please enlighten me.

The last Coldstone Beta release (and previously from day 1) was tile based for movement but the movement tile size was up to the game author.

And that is simply a historical comment! History does have a habit of repeating itself though (with variable periodicity). 😄

...it wasn't me...

(This message has been edited by SkipMeier (edited 08-11-2001).)