Last Post

This is Mouse. As some of you know, I just got banned, and I'm using my other account for a quick "last post."

I wish there was a way for me to stick around and continue posting just in the CS forums, but anytime now I'll be IP banned, and will be unable to. Anyways, I would like to say goodbye. Although I will still be doing things with CS, I will not be able to continue activity in the CS forums.
A special thanks go to Saphfire and chill_rx for the time I have had corresponding with them. Also, while my being banned will certainly put a damper in the WPP project (parody of the personas), I will try to keep it going.

I can still be contacted at , and the site for the project is still open at (url="http://"") .



Ouch. Banning is harsh man. What coulda been that bad? Just my point of view though, because I see the internet as a freedom or release. Too bad.



ack. was it over that whole inappropriate posting thing? (kinda like this thread) sorry dude...

We shall accept payment in a large briefcase. American dollar good for this purpose. LARGE briefcase, remember. -- forge

and you almost made it all the way to the release. We'll miss you mouse. The boards might get awfully quiet now.


Originally posted by Kireck:
and you almost made it all the way to the release. We'll miss you mouse. The boards might get awfully quiet now.

your optimism on the release date is misplaced, and if I'm wrong in saying that CS will not be out before December, well then you can all rub it in my face.
and I will miss mouse, even though I was kinda impatient at times...

"...But no matter, I’ve found you, and everything is going to be fine now..."

I was trying to be nice Lorentoh, but either way I was talking about PoG.

Mouse dude, that sucks royally, your posts were always great to read (or topics..whatever)
you'll be missed I'm sure

•Life is short and hard like a bodybuilding elf - BHG•


Originally posted by a seed with protien value:
**Mouse dude, that sucks royally, your posts were always great to read (or topics..whatever)
you'll be missed I'm sure


Testing... I'll be missed here maybe, but you should see my last thread in b&b.; Ack.

(edit) Heh. I seems I'm not IP banned yet. I'll stick around here as Deamon until that occurs.

(This message has been edited by Deamon (edited 08-08-2001).)