Backpack format

Will there be a chose in how items are handled in the pack(like an item will take x pack spaces, or the backpack can hold x items and the player can carry x weight, etc.)? Or is there just one "option"?

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

is this question just going to be ignored?

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

I"m not too sure on an answer but do you really need this? Must every game copy Diablo (who probably copied it from another game)?

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division


Originally posted by DarkBlade:
**I"m not too sure on an answer but do you really need this? Must every game copy Diablo (who probably copied it from another game)?


Not what I meant. I was asking what format backpacks would be in, and that was one of the formats that came into my mind. Although there are a number of other possabilities that I could think of if I tried, but that's not the(my) point.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

I can only think of the diablo style and the X number of potion Potion (like Final Fantasy) style. What else is there?

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division

in baldur's gate1 and 2 and the expansion packs for them, there was a certain number of boxes in your inventory. Everything took up one box, and somethings could be stacked.
There was a set amount of how much your character could carry, depending on their strength..



Originally posted by Lorenoth:
**in baldur's gate1 and 2 and the expansion packs for them, there was a certain number of boxes in your inventory. Everything took up one box, and somethings could be stacked.
There was a set amount of how much your character could carry, depending on their strength..


Anybody here ever play Taskmaker or Tomb of the Taskmaker? They had an item system that you can carry a certain number of items, and one special scroll could increase that by 5 points (a limited number of times. Maybe the increase is only for TotT). The slots were not limited by item weight or size, just a fixed number of items. I'm not sure what number it is, tho.
Unfortunatly for me, the company who made those games went out of business years ago, so I can't get them registered. Fun games, albeit old, gridlocked, and turn(and somewhat time)-based.

Also, there's a system in which you can carry a maximum of X items, but you could only carry them all if you had enough strenth. Nothing could increase the max, but you could carry better and heavier items as your strenth went up.

And them there's a system where you can cary exactly 24 items in your pack, then one item each for various areas on your person(belt, sholder, etc.). Any item could fit in a slot or pack slot, but if you were carrying too much wieght, you would have about a 50% chance of either moving where you want to go, or being drug down by your pack and losing 1 hit point(from falling). this could be gotten around by jumping in that game, but not while you were outdoors.
And if you went in water with more then 200 weight(basically near-naked) you would sink below the water and drown(after a chance to dump items permanatly to reach the serface by dropping below 200 weight).

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

You're all assuming, of course, that there will be a backpack system. I don't recall seeing any mention of that anywhere.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.

Well there has to be some kind of back pack system right? You can't just HAVE things. I'm guessing that the whole thing is up to you, being that the interface is editable and all. If you think about it, the backpack is part of the interface design, and you can do ANYTHING with the interface. But that's just my opinion with my limited knowledge of the engine.


Originally posted by Mouse:
**Anybody here ever play Taskmaker or Tomb of the Taskmaker? Unfortunatly for me, the company who made those games went out of business years ago, so I can't get them registered. Fun games, albeit old, gridlocked, and turn(and somewhat time)-based.

Yeah, two of my favorite mac rpgs. Loved the humor and comical nature of them. I think the company released registration codes for them making them freeware after they went out of business, you might check on that if you still want to play them.


Originally posted by Gravitation:
Yeah, two of my favorite mac rpgs. Loved the humor and comical nature of them. I think the company released registration codes for them making them freeware after they went out of business, you might check on that if you still want to play them.

I tried a search and all the engine came up with was a legal notice saying that a certain software download company or any of thier associates are no longer legally allowed to have either taskmaker game on thier download list, and a bunch of sites that you can download one or both of the games at(and sometimes get cheats/other spells).
If someone could help me in that search, I really want to play over and finish those games, cuz they're a ton of fun.
And Grav, did you know that if you get a wish for any object scroll in the original and wish for a Vapour ring, the ring will make you permanatly ethereal, but it slowly drains your health.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)


Originally posted by DarkBlade:
**I"m not too sure on an answer but do you really need this? Must every game copy Diablo (who probably copied it from another game)?


What a small scope you view the world through, ever hear of a series known as resident evil...there's a pack in it with slots
or have you heard of sword dreams which sports the standard PC limited spaces inventory, or any of the dillapadated games published by spidersweb soft...?

Are you interested (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000564.html(/url) ...CGE:t'hePersonas '
is a collaborative rpg that will feature members of the webboard who express interest...if you're game get at me ill27rx


Originally posted by chill_rx:
**What a small scope you view the world through, ever hear of a series known as resident evil...there's a pack in it with slots
or have you heard of sword dreams which sports the standard PC limited spaces inventory, or any of the dillapadated games published by spidersweb soft...?


Hey! Spidwed's games aren't that bad. They're just a bit out-of-date.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

Chill, I don't pretend to be well versed in the realms of RPGs. Please don't insult me. Doesnt resident evil have a backpack system like diablo? where certain items take up X amount of space?

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division

  1. keep it nice children, my karma stick hasn't had an outting in a while and I think he's gettin cabin fever. 🙂
  2. Spidweb games royally suck. Change the record guys, exile's hella dull, why must everyone one of their games be exactly the same?

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
2) Spidweb games royally suck. Change the record guys, exile's hella dull, why must everyone one of their games be exactly the same?


They do NOT suck! Exile 1 sucks, and maybe Exile II a little, but Exile III and Blade of Exile don't suck. They are simply old and somewhat out-of-date. A lot of people still enjoy them, and that's why Spidweb is still active. They even have thier own webboard, although somewhat smaller. I know, I'm an ex-member of that board.
I also have Blades of Exile on my desktop, rather then in my games folder, where the games I don't like as much are sitting, rotting.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)


Originally Posted My Mouse
**They do NOT suck! Exile 1 sucks, and maybe Exile II a little, but Exile III and Blade of Exile don't suck. They are simply old and somewhat out-of-date. A lot of people still enjoy them, and that's why Spidweb is still active. They even have thier own webboard, although somewhat smaller. I know, I'm an ex-member of that board.
I also have Blades of Exile on my desktop, rather then in my games folder, where the games I don't like as much are sitting, rotting.


Oh so you like them, that means that everyone should like them. 😛 :rolleyes:

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**Oh so you like them, that means that everyone should like them.:p :rolleyes:


No, it means that you should stop dissing things just because you think no one cares.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

hey, stop it you two. Necro, I thought you knew better... if you all want to argue over the merits of specific games, we have a 'favourite rpg' thread going on, take it there.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.


Originally posted by sanehatter:
**hey, stop it you two. Necro, I thought you knew better... if you all want to argue over the merits of specific games, we have a 'favourite rpg' thread going on, take it there.


I usually don't get into topics that already have over 25 posts in them unless I've already been in them, and I havn't been in that thread yet, so if Necro takes it there, he'll likely be alone(or at least not have me around).

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)