ATTN: Gravitation - Taskmaker

You mentioned you know something about it before, and I need your help. I have spent three days searching for some scrap of evidence or some clue as to where I can get the game registered, or even any info on it other then some outdated cheats. I need to know everything you know about it.
And if you have a registered version of it sitting around somewhere, i may have to call upon you for a copy.
The same goes for Tomb of the Taskmaker(which I actually want more then TM, but I imagine I'd get both of them if I can just get ahold of Thomas Zehnor or David Cook (the designers) or otherwise get a srap of info that could help me).

Any info you have will be greatly appreciated. I'm desperate!

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

The Coldstone board is not the place for this.

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"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline