How often... stories, etc. in the CS chronicles get reviewed? I ask only because my story seems to have not been reviewed at all since I posted it a week and a half ago. I've also gotten no e-mail telling me that the story will not be shown for some reason or another.
(edit:fixed a minor misspelling that changed the entire meaning of a sentance)
Go to (url="http://"")Archmage(/url), a completely internet based strategy game. There you can play with or agenst literally thousands of other players.
Go to the (url="http://"")unoffical EV webboards(/url).
-9, -8, I becoming a good guy?

(This message has been edited by Mouse (edited 06-26-2001).)


Originally posted by Mouse:
** stories, etc. in the CS chronicles get reviewed? I ask only because my story seems to have not been reviewed at all since I posted it a week and a half ago. I've also gotten to e-mail telling me that the story will not be shown for some reason or another.


it took about a week and a half for mine to get up onto the board. too bad nobody read it though...

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.

::looks at your karma:: maybe because your "-7 , prime evil"

Master of the Pseudo Technique, prophet of FinalFantasy, selfproclaimed dictator of Chicago...

Mouse: If you are talking about your first submission, it is because it was more suited to be posted on the board, as it wasn't a story. I release chronicles on a weekly basis, though I think I've fallen down this week due to finals and vacation preparation. ( (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/003480.html(/url) )

The peace that I search for eludes me. I search for it when the sun comes up, and the setting sun finds me the same. I do not know when I will find what I am looking for.

wtf why is my account deleted with no notice?

Any web board accounts registered after June 10th will no longer work -- and we are not
current accepting new registrations.
I'm just sorting out a few administrative issues here, account registration will be back
eventually, no worries. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Does this help?

"I think there is a world market for about five computers."
- Thomas J. Watson, founder of IBM

Mouse: chronicles take awhile. I have something in the EV chronicles I posted in April that isn't up yet. However, with CS chronicles, there probably isn't as long of a waiting list.

(url="http://"")Rift Homepage(/url)
(url="http://"")Rift Webboards(/url)
(url="http://"")The Dark Beyond Homepage(/url)
Apparently, common sense isn't so common...


Originally posted by theKestrel:
**Mouse: If you are talking about your first submission, it is because it was more suited to be posted on the board, as it wasn't a story. I release chronicles on a weekly basis, though I think I've fallen down this week due to finals and vacation preparation.


I'm not. My second submission, which was more thought out then my first, and follows the "guidelines" that I was told about when it was rejected. It's likely not a matter of content. Thus the topic of the thread...

Go to (url="http://"")Archmage(/url), a completely internet based strategy game. There you can play with or agenst literally thousands of other players.
Go to the (url="http://"")unoffical EV webboards(/url).
-9, -8, I becoming a good guy?


Originally posted by nwa728:
**Mouse: chronicles take awhile. I have something in the EV chronicles I posted in April that isn't up yet. However, with CS chronicles, there probably isn't as long of a waiting list.


I know they take a while, but I haven't seen one new story appear in the CS chronicles since jmitchel's. Whether it was mine or not. If there was even one new story a week so I know there's progress, I wouldn't even think of complaining, because I would know it was comeing up on the list, but...

Go to (url="http://"")Archmage(/url), a completely internet based strategy game. There you can play with or agenst literally thousands of other players.
Go to the (url="http://"")unoffical EV webboards(/url).
-9, -8, I becoming a good guy?

hey! my name's got 2 Ls!
the mods are busy people. there are a lot of boards to watch, and a lot of chronicles and pics to review (not just for the CS board). oh, and then I think some of them have to "work," and "have lives" (though I don't see such small issues seriously hampering the progress of the board). give 'em time. It's not like they're gonna drop your post without telling you, and then actively deny it in this thread. right? right...?

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.


posted by chill_rx to mouse
::looks at your karma:: maybe because your "-7 , prime evil"

i don't think karma has anything to do with it...

The Dursleys had not changed much in the ten years that had passed, the only thing that was different was the pictures on the wall. Before, they looked like a pink beach ball wearing different colored bobble hats.
1984 won't be like 1984


Originally posted by jmitchell:
**hey! my name's got 2 Ls!
the mods are busy people. there are a lot of boards to watch, and a lot of chronicles and pics to review (not just for the CS board). oh, and then I think some of them have to "work," and "have lives" (though I don't see such small issues seriously hampering the progress of the board). give 'em time. It's not like they're gonna drop your post without telling you, and then actively deny it in this thread. right? right...?


I've got time to spare. If I were to hav access to the CS chronicles to approve and deny them, there would be no more then 3 things on the waiting list at any one time(not counting sundays, and once I had already gone through it).
Oh well. I doubt that will happen any time soon, if ever.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two word that don't go together.
D**nit, these marshmellows are ADDICTIVE!!! I can't stop eating them, and the bag is enchanted to never be empty of them!
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)


Originally posted by chill_rx:
**::looks at your karma:: maybe because your "-7 , prime evil"


Not likely.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two word that don't go together.
D**nit, these marshmellows are ADDICTIVE!!! I can't stop eating them, and the bag is enchanted to never be empty of them!
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)