
Has anyone got any origional ideas for character castes or races. I thought of alchemist, not a magician type but one which has an extensive knowledge of chemicals and can build explosives, poisons, and loads of cool stuff themself. And also I would have proper assasins like in the discworld novels - experts in traps, poisons, and knives also very agile, stealthy and deadly dangerous with a sneak attack. This would work best in a game with a realtime battle mode that doesn't actually deviate from the main game (like in Diablo II and not like the realmz battle mode) so that you could actually creep up behind an enemy and slit their throat or whatever.


PS Apoligies if anyone has already posted a topic about castes.


Psyomancer- a "gifted" individual with mind influencing abilities. Low level Psyomancers cannot control their "gift" and thus wield it randomly. For example, if a low level Psyomancer enters a room full of barrels, the barrels will likely shatter.
Higher level Psyomancers can control their power, and thus can send a wave of mental energy through a swarm of enemies, paralyzing or sending them into insanity.

"I felt you.. dying"
"I'm dying..?"
"I won't let you die..."

I prefer the Pyromancer myself 😄

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

fire is so boring though....

"I felt you.. dying"
"I'm dying..?"
"I won't let you die..."

May you burn in eternal flames!!! 😉 Fire is awesome, at least in real life. But I will grant you that it has lost its novelty in games.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

diablo2 forever ruined fire for me(ooooooh the lag from meteor.. killed me so many times).. well I like psionic abilities better than your average fire.

"Don't worry. You're not going to die"

What do you mean? fire can be great! I think its best to have all different types: fire, psychic/mind, ice, water spells.




Some sort of caste that I haven't thought of yet. Perhaps some sort of fighter/mage/archer/beserker/crusader/cabalist/warlock/priest, to give you a rough idea.


Gaviiin: pissing into the wind, with a hard on, in the dark.

Aquamancer-Ability to put any to sleep. Of course, higher levels can control this and activate other powers such as powerful water blasts and freezing ice traps.

(url="http://"")Cythera story(/url)
Cythera team story which has been around for 7 months.

In my game, I'm gonna have the Castes actually controled by what element you align to, either Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Light, or Shadow. Each element gets spells attuned to itself.


Do not aproach a cow from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
-Mark Twain

for the classes in my game, you have to earn them. The main character starts out with the specialty of close combat, and gains magic. After a while he will recieve a quest, and when completed gains his new class, the Elite. Classes in my game range from Psyomancer to Shadow, from BattleMaster, to Veteran.

"...Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost

Hey Servack Im doing something like that too! In mine if you choose a mage type then you have to decide what land it comes from - A mage from the dungeon lands uses shadow, mind spells, a mage from the forest lands will use plant and wildlife and foresty green spells, one from the oceans uses water and sea type spells etc... Its loosely base on Magic the gathering...

Pad 🙂



Originally posted by Paddy Perring:
**Its loosely base on Magic the gathering...

Pad 🙂


Don't tell us this, we just think you're being unoriginal..
BUT--- I do like your idea. And I didn't notice a link to MTG until you told me.
You can get away with almost anything I guess.

Evil is as evil does.
I'm not evil, I'm just corrupt.

What's the big deal about being original? Mimicry is the highest form of flattery. Do what you know. To each his own. Stop worrying about the strengths of other's plots and gameplay. The point of this, is to have fun.



yeah but when they go and flaunt it...
I just wish they wouldn't tell us where they got it from

Evil is as evil does.
I'm not evil, I'm just corrupt.

Only the spell system is based on MTG (and loosely at that) so whats the problem! I think its best to combine classic ideas with new innovative ones. Many good games borrow ideas from books or other games the furfoot character in Reamlz came from hobbits in Tolkien and there are loads of things in Diablo II taken from discworld.


I'm sorry if I'm being critical, I just think that you shouldn't tell where u got the idea from if it's so loosely based.. I couldn't tell it was MTG, don't ruin it for me.

Evil is as evil does.
I'm not evil, I'm just corrupt.

I'm going to say that basing (and stating that) an rpg on something else is not necessarily a bad thing. For me, hearing the words "magic the gathering" gives me chills and makes me think of some super scary 30 year olds I know who still live with their parents and only play magic, but other people may be brought in by the whole magic thing. But then again, the movie "O brother...", I actually didn't want to see it untill I found out it was based (kinda) on the oddyssy, so I guess it depends on who your trying to attract, differnt strokes for different character classes.

"Is it hard for you to fry"
"Yes, I don't have hands"
-aerowings 2



Originally posted by Gaviiin:



Seriously they always rule. Reaise/dead dead. Death spells. Recaranate. etc

I dont have a signature


Originally posted by Chocolate_Ambrosia:
Seriously they always rule. Reaise/dead dead. Death spells. Recaranate. etc

cough thieves , geomancers, and summoners are betterend cough**...

... S o Says The C hill!

Had to change my signature , made me look like a soft punk...speaking of go cop that single By Fatlip: 'What's up FatLip'... SO SAYS THE CHILL!
I shot the sheriff the deputy and head of bank treasury, some mounties in the bounty got a big bounty stressin' me...-MosDef
Setting the record for the most replies/profile updates in a single day...the Chill!