Party or single player mode?


Originally posted by saphfire:
**Definitely a party guy over here.

An RPG without parties, is adventure game.



Actually, an adventure game is not an RPG at all. It usually has one player and a basic room, north, south, east, west, up, down movement system, sometimes with a turn left/right command as well. A good example of an adventure game would be the (semi-?)famous text-adventure game Zork(or dungeon, as the version I have calls itself). Not the more recent makes of the game with graphics and whatnot, but the text-only game. Also, adventure games can have graphics, and there are a few good adveture game creation programs out there(some that I have used, too) that impliment both B&W; and color graphics, as well as a text-only interface.
RPGs and adventure games are VERY different types of games.
Sadly, many RPGs are mistakenly called adventure games.

But yeah, I'm definitally a party(and turn based battle) guy too.

I hope to regain Crawler's trust and the little bit of respect he may have had for me. One day...
Go to the (url="http://"")unoffical EV webboards(/url).
Or go to my smaller and somewhat less populated board, (url="http://"")Mouse's Boards(/url)!

And on a similar note to my previous post, and RPG game is defined as a game in which a player takes on the role of one or more players. RPGs always have a way to increase stats, usually by numbers(though sometimes(more like rarely) there are no numerical increases in stats). The Zelda games are genrally called RPGs, but they run the fine line between RPG and adventure game, as they have almost no numerical stat increases(heart containers, weapons, etc). But it seems to as well be an adventure game because of it not having numerical stat increases, but technically, the Zelda games are all RPGs.
If you give me a discription of a game which you can't tell whether it is an RPG or an adventure game, I will almost always be able to tell you which type of game it is.
You can call me on that anytime.

I hope to regain Crawler's trust and the little bit of respect he may have had for me. One day...
Go to the (url="http://"")unoffical EV webboards(/url).
Or go to my smaller and somewhat less populated board, (url="http://"")Mouse's Boards(/url)!

I personally prefer parties... my whole story kinda dies without that option...



Originally posted by Nem:
**I personally prefer parties... my whole story kinda dies without that option...


hey... H ey...I said HEY!!! your link is broken and your board doesn't exist...fix it.

Parties are well and good but its always nice to run a one man army, and as we all know there will be no parties
the dream of party turnbased combat is dead , I mourn its death...

::expends one frozen tear,dissapates::

Had to change my signature , made me look like a soft punk...speaking of go cop that single By Fatlip: 'What's up FatLip'... SO SAYS THE CHILL!


Originally posted by Mouse:
**And on a similar note to my previous post, and RPG game is defined as a game in which a player takes on the role of one or more players. RPGs always have a way to increase stats, usually by numbers(though sometimes(more like rarely) there are no numerical increases in stats). The Zelda games are genrally called RPGs, but they run the fine line between RPG and adventure game, as they have almost no numerical stat increases(heart containers, weapons, etc). But it seems to as well be an adventure game because of it not having numerical stat increases, but technically, the Zelda games are all RPGs.
If you give me a discription of a game which you can't tell whether it is an RPG or an adventure game, I will almost always be able to tell you which type of game it is.
You can call me on that anytime.


<sarcasm> Thank you, oh wise expert of the unknown, oh guru of game genres, we are in need of your gracious advice. </sarcasm> Those of you who have spent your wee hours the past few decades on the web board waiting for Coldstone's release will remember long debates over this issue. While it's true that, in it's loosest context, RPG means role-playing game, it goes much deeper than that. If not, every game is an RPG, as such sports games require you to play the role of a player and real-time strategies let you control a leader.

I personally don't consider games like Zelda and Diablo RPGs. It's a matter of personal preference, although I can state some arguements pertaining to them. Recommence arguing.




Originally posted by Mouse:
**And on a similar note to my previous post, and RPG game is defined as a game in which a player takes on the role of one or more players. RPGs always have a way to increase stats, usually by numbers(though sometimes(more like rarely) there are no numerical increases in stats). The Zelda games are genrally called RPGs, but they run the fine line between RPG and adventure game, as they have almost no numerical stat increases(heart containers, weapons, etc). But it seems to as well be an adventure game because of it not having numerical stat increases, but technically, the Zelda games are all RPGs.
If you give me a discription of a game which you can't tell whether it is an RPG or an adventure game, I will almost always be able to tell you which type of game it is.
You can call me on that anytime.


aren't you like twelve or something....and if you didn't know unlike other genre , An RPG is a vague wondorus construct with loose boundaries that allow it to change and take on new forms, every so often . Because there is no absolute definition the genre stays fresh...

Had to change my signature , made me look like a soft punk...speaking of go cop that single By Fatlip: 'What's up FatLip'... SO SAYS THE CHILL!
I shot the sheriff the deputy and head of bank treasury, some mounties in the bounty got a big bounty stressin' me...-MosDef
Setting the record for the most replies/profile updates in a single day...the Chill!

I can make due with only a single player, but I also loose alot of what could be done with partys, I always had my eye on a Star Ocean type of RPG, but since thats dead, I need to start planing. and by the way, if you havent played Star Ocean for the PSX you should try it, vary cool.

The time to withstand the tides of battle is now. Set your defenses for you must not be swallowed by the madness.


Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
**I can make due with only a single player, but I also loose alot of what could be done with partys, I always had my eye on a Star Ocean type of RPG, but since thats dead, I need to start planing. and by the way, if you havent played Star Ocean for the PSX you should try it, vary cool.


I said the same thing , star ocean is the game outside of final 7....see the favorite rpg post...

Had to change my signature , made me look like a soft punk...speaking of go cop that single By Fatlip: 'What's up FatLip'... SO SAYS THE CHILL!
I shot the sheriff the deputy and head of bank treasury, some mounties in the bounty got a big bounty stressin' me...-MosDef
Setting the record for the most replies/profile updates in a single day...the Chill!


Originally posted by chill_rx:
**I said the same thing , star ocean is the game outside of final 7....see the favorite rpg post...


If FF7 is better than Star Ocean I doubt I'd ever play it. FF7.. shudder.. everything NOT to do in an RPG.


Originally posted by Terminsel Returns:
**If FF7 is better than Star Ocean I doubt I'd ever play it. FF7.. shudder.. everything NOT to do in an RPG.


Yeah, y''re right. I mean, why would you want to sell millions of copies and become blockbuster hit of the year? Definitely, DO NOT do that, big mistake, bad idea, don't go there. Seriously, it's either got some voodoo subliminal messages, or Square did something right when they made it. Where else can you find such cult classics?

