Character Portraits

First off, forgive me if this has alrady been brought up...

My question is, when an NPC (or the main character) is talking, can a character portrait be displayed? Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, can voice overs be added as well?

thanks in advance,



for the picture.. I think so.
but I'd assume yes on the voices.
BUT I am not a beta tester, I just think I remember a topic about this.

Evil is as evil does.
I'm not evil, I'm just corrupt.

yes, but for the voices you might have to resort to making quicktime movies for the entire dialog.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.

*** jw misses sanehatter :*(

(sorry for the spam)

Jeremy Woodruff as,

In the Mac version, there could be plaintalk voices! Go Agnes (high quality)!



Originally posted by ben1cohen:
**In the Mac version, there could be plaintalk voices! Go Agnes (high quality)!

ugh, please, anything but that... let's wait for apple to perfect the technology

We shall accept payment in a large briefcase. American dollar good for this purpose. LARGE briefcase, remember. -- forge

That was a joke. Ha.... Ha....
