Special Abilities(non-spell)

I've seen spell, monster, and item topics, but I have yet to see one for non-spell special abilities. Please post your own or enjoy other's, but don't use them without the permission of the ceator/owner/etc.
Oh, and if the ability is for a specific race(or races), please say which race(s). Heres mine:
Arm blades - {Golems only}The user turns his/her/its arms into blades, making the unarmed damage 15x normal strenth. This ability lasts up to one minute and costs 1 ability points(or stamina, if a. pionts aren't available).
Metal wings - {golems only}The user turns a part of thier back armor into a pair of working wings(or back to normal), allowing the user to fly with up to 100 lbs more wight than they are carrying at the time of use. Costs 1 ab per miute of flight, plus 2 when activated. While the user has wings, thier rear defence is cut in half(if at 0, it is set to -2).
Spike launch - {any stone-element creature}User grows spikes out of thier arms/legs/back/etc., then launches them at one or two enemies. Each spike does 2-6 damage when it hits. Ususally makes 5 spikes per ap.
Mary Poppins - {any humanoid, easter-egg ability}This ability turns the user into Mary Poppins. While in that form, all enemies with eyes are unable to move, cringeing in disgust. The user cannot cast spells or use other abilities while in this form, but can bash enemies over the head with an umbrella, doing 1-3 damage, +1 fer every level after 5 of the user. Uses up 5 ap when used, and restores 2 ap when reused(returns user to normal). While in the vile form, the user is drained of 1 ap every 30 seconds.

"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris
Go to the unofficial EV webboard site! Just click (url="http://"http://www.macmonthly.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi")here(/url) to go.
And check out my ongoing chronicle in that webboard, (url="http://"http://www.macmonthly.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f;=4&t;=000002")Devil's Crossing(/url).

I have though of some inherent specialities which you don´t choose to use or not.
(Inherent) Dwarven warriors get an additional +1 modifier to their chance to hit giant sized creatures.

(Inherent) Trolls will regenerate hitpoints at a faster rate than other races.

(usable) Monks can create healing potions from various herbs found in the wilderness.

(Usable) Rangers can use the arrow spray command which fires five arrows at once with much less chance to hit.
The arrows will spread out, so it is best used on large groups of enemies.
Only Elven rangers can use this special.

By the way...
How did you get the text "python food" appear instead of "member"?

"Let´s not bicker and argue about who killed who.
This is supposed to be a happy occasion."

I had to complain about my previous titles until I got one that wasn't offesive.
Speculum - {BattleDoctor only}This ability creates a giant speculum, which is then used to open cavities in enemies to sizes larger then thier bodies, thus killing them in about 2 seconds. Only one character can use this and that charactor is BattleDoctor.

"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris
Go to the unofficial EV webboard site! Just click (url="http://"http://yoshi.zzux.com/phpbb/")here(/url) to go.