About the battles...

How much flexibility is accounted for in battle animations?

Let's say I have an attack called swift, which sends an arrow of light soaring towards the victim. For instance, will the engine be able to recognize a targeted enemy northwest of the attacking character and modify the attack animation likewise? How much of the animation will I have to create to be able to use this attack no matter which direction the enemy is in relation to the player? Can I have it continue on, to attack multiple enemies?



Good question,
I would like to know the answer as well, I have a large spell that kills everyone within a "scale 200ft" radius,
pc included....what? What's the purpose you say ? Well, I just want the pc to have the option of taking every one with them.

also can you set the globals so that characters who have been killed don't "come back"
when you reset after being killed, (or using a kamikaze spell) . That way you can sacrifice your life and not go in vain (kind of like dragonBallZ, y'know where you have to travel back to the land of the living)

Almost a stand up citizen,
::Laughs himself to vapor, dissapates::