Anyone wanna make a cyberpunk game?

Anyone wanna make a cyberpunk game, I've got the music handeled, and the programming (CS engine) If I could get someone to team up with that could do any kind of multi-media for the game (cutscenes, chapterscenes, sprites, graphics) it would be GREATLY appreciated. Also I read something about distributing the games as shareware, (im not sure about this) if I made money, you'd get an equal cut.

ŤZerřÇřřŁť Mess with the
best, die like the rest.

heh..hackers is a cool film. 😄 Anyway, I'm making a cyberpunk game, but I've already got all the coding covered, and I have two proffesional artists, however, music I don't have....maybe I'll do it myself though...hmm..tricky.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
(url="http://"")Necro's Image Gallery(/url)

::waves arms wildly:: PICK ME!! PICK ME!!

ŤZerřÇřřŁť Mess with the
best, die like the rest.

Gimme an example. MP3 format preferably.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
(url="http://"")Necro's Image Gallery(/url)

neat, I was actually just playing Shadowrun for the SNES and thinking how well it showed off what a coldstone game could be (you know realtime single PC etc). Anyway, I probably wouldnt't be much of an improvement from you guys when it comes to graphics, but am also a musician, so I was wondering what everyone else was using, midi or mod, and programs. I use midi sequenced through cubase with Retro and unity as my main synth/sampler, though I have been know to abuse Rebirth on occasion. Also use MAX/MSP when necessary, but thats usually for the wierder stuff. Yay softsynths.


I like to do MIDIs more, but I can ::cough cough:: MixMan ::cough:: do MP3s. Give me an E-Mail address so I can send it to you. However you need to be able to receive attachments larger than 4.5 megabytes.

ŤZerřÇřřŁť Mess with the
best, die like the rest.

4.5 megs for a MIDI file ?!?!?!?!?!?!
Does not compute...


sigh No, Mp3s.

ŤZerřÇřřŁť Mess with the
best, die like the rest.

Why can't you just upload it to an online account? (url="http://"")Free2Surf(/url) does a good free web hosting service.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...

or send it over icq. works great.
