Who wants to join up for a game.

I need someone who can help me with graphics for my game. I can draw them on paper, but not the screen. And the rest of the game is already accounted for. Anyone up for it(Preferably someone in the U.S.A.)?

A member of a large and powerful tribe, whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controling
Beware of strong drink - It can cause you to shoot at tax collectors and miss.

As in another topic, don't we all? πŸ˜‰ Good luck, though, on finding someone. πŸ™‚

Once The MadCat roamed
Now Metzen rules
One MadCat all alone

(This message has been edited by MadCat (edited 03-30-2001).)

I was browsing through the message board and noticed you cry for assistance. I would be glad to help with a game. I am experienced in 3D modeling and rendering. im currently running Lightwave 6.5. Drop me a line if you are interested.


This seems to be the thread for it, so, prior to objection, I'll post my help wanted here.

BTW, I've already contacted you magmadragoon, please confirm that you received the invitation.

Character modeling is not the only position open - I need someone to handle CG animated cutscenes, battle animations and special effects, and an original music artist.

Please reply if you are interested, I look forward to hearing from you. Upon request, I will answer any questions, and tell you more about my operations.



I'm trying to work with Saphfire, but we're having difficulty with a direct conversation(don't suggest anything).

...The mouse then crawled out of the dead python's mouth, carrying a fang in either hand. And thus Martin the warrier was made famous...

Hey Mouse,
how'd you change your title from "member" to "python food" / "gayrights activist" and such...?

Try mesh wortk it's good for creating houses/buildings and trees
then if you can POV, as far as sprites go...hand drawn just...looks better.
oh and for great tile,sprite resources go to (url="http://"http://www.idevgames.com/")http://www.idevgames.com/(/url) ...

... So Says The Chill!

(ooops my bold is broken , :rolleyes: )

am I becoming a good guy???

(This message has been edited by chill_rx (edited 04-12-2001).)

Um, you get those little nicknames from Andrew as far as I know...
Just post some messages on "Just Chat"
That's where I got mine... GRR.... I don't like it! :mad:

-Small Member ( Grr )

(This message has been edited by Black Beard (edited 04-12-2001).)


Originally posted by saphfire:
**...and an original music artist....


Um, can I ask what kind of music?
I'd be interested if you'd tell me...

-Small Member ( Grr )


Originally posted by Black Beard:
**Um, can I ask what kind of music?
I'd be interested if you'd tell me...


Any kind will do, but I'm looking for orchestrated mood setting music, much like those found in the Star Wars series, traditional RPGs such as Final Fantasy, and the musical RPG Rhapsody. Anything new, fresh, and original, that displays an essence or style. It's really hard to explain any more without specific questions or examples.




originally posted by chill_rx: **
Hey, Mouse, how'd you change your title from "member" to "python food" /
"gayrights activist" and such...?**

I was first made 'boy toy' after the gay war, then, after complaining to andrew, he decided it wasn't enough, and made me 'gay rights activist.' Finally, after rallying tons of people from both sides of the war, we convinced andrew to come up with something less insulting to me. Python food made me laugh when I saw it, so I stopped complaining, and kept it.
Of course, you won't have to go through as much trouble as I did in getting a proper title, being as you weren't involved(much?) in the gay war. You'd probably get something like 'snowman extreme'

"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris


Originally posted by saphfire:
Character modeling is not the only position open - I need someone to handle CG animated cutscenes, battle animations and special effects, and an original music artist.

Check your email, I sent you some music.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.


Originally posted by sanehatter:
**Check your email, I sent you some music.


Thanks Sanehatter! I love that music, it reminds me of Earthbound. Anyway, the check, err, reply's in the mail. Talk to you soon.

Note to all: I've changed my email address to saphfires@hotmail.com.

Got a skill? It's not too late to join.



Oh well.... I was gonna do some music, but I guess someone was quicker.. :frown:
Oh well, I already have 2 jobs anyway...
(WW2 Plug for EVO and music for Dark Destiny EVO plug)

-Small Member ( Grr )


Originally posted by saphfire:
**Thanks Sanehatter! I love that music, it reminds me of Earthbound. Anyway, the check, err, reply's in the mail. Talk to you soon.

Okay, but I still haven't recieved it yet. sanehatter (at) mac (dot) com will also work.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.

I'm not sure why my last message didn't go through, but I sent it again (from hotmail this time), and this time it should work. I sent it to both addresses. I look forward to hearing from you.



Music composer, anime artist, storywriter, programmer (I know VB and C++ well, as well as a smattering of a few others, such as Java) and experienced 3D artist with specialization in people here. If anyone needs some help, or would like to speed up the progess of my game by helping me, please feel free to ask. (I'll admit I have my bases covered,but it's going to take me a long time to get things finished if I'm doing it alone.) The game is based on a invented (by me) zodiac... the zodiac sign pertains to the overall destiny of a person...every sign has two subsigns, and are based upon the postion of the two moons. One Sign, the Chaos Sign, is rarely in effect. Most children born under the Chaos Sign are killed... due to the fact that most people born under that sign turn out to be the dark subsign of Chaos, Blight. However, (our heroine) Kumani's mother dies in labour, and Kumani is found by a neighboring tribe and raised there, unknowing that she was born under the light subsign of Chaos, Destiny. Oh, it's all a rich tapastry, and it borrows from Celtic and Swahili mythologies. (As well as a lot of stuff invented by me.)Cripes, I have a big thick notebook filled with background information. (and another 4 big thick notebooks filled with a "walkthrough"... Basically, a step-by-step outline to the entire game. Oh yes, I already know how it ends, as well as everything in between... All I need to do is get Coldstone once it's released and code and make graphics and whatnot. The story is 100% covered.)
If anyone wants to listen to some music I've written, (I've posted this before) it's at (url="http://"http://kuiki.net/shari/music/")http://kuiki.net/shari/music/(/url)
I'll be uploading some of my 3D artwork once I get back from vacation.


May I ask what program you used to creat those MIDI files?
It's really annoying, because I have Quicktime Preview 5 and my old composer ( Encore 4.x) doesn't work with it :frown:
So I can't creat MIDIs on my computer anymore..
Does anyone know of a reasonable MIDI composer that doesn't cost too much?

-Small Member ( Grr )

Black Beard: I use Cakewalk.


Easybeat (mac only)... cough cough 100$ cough 😜
But it's AWESOME!!! I do my MIDIs with it, its just great, go to CNet, and download the demo, seriously awesome ****!

Ε€ZerřÇřřŁΕ₯ Mess with the
best, die like the rest.

yo Shari...either e-mail me (link above), or gimme your e-mail address. I want to ask you something.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
(url="http://"http://www.armanus-zero.f2s.com/gallery/")Necro's Image Gallery(/url)

(This message has been edited by the Necromicon (edited 04-15-2001).)