C++, etc. programming codes...

This is semi-off-forum, but does anyone know where I could get instructions, programs, etc. for Think C++, or another exelent programming language? I've had some experience with hypercard and a few other lame systems, so I'm fairly new to these type of code. The simpler the instructions, the better. Links, site adresses, etc. much appreciated, cuz it makes it easier for me to find what you are talking about.

"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris


(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com") bigfurrydeal! (/url)


Originally posted by oasamostexianu:


Yep, an excellent site.

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond"
::walks down the mountain::


Originally posted by oasamostexianu:


Thats very helpful. However, it doesn't seem to have somewhere to download(or order a CD, etc.) any programs, or anything, for that matter. That would be more helpful by far. I don't want to sound unapreciative, though.

"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris

This isnt a web site, but any of the "For Dummies..." books are great, I just bought one today (my first) on programming for the mac. It gets straight to the point without any techno-babble. VERY good for beggining programmers, etc. Go try it out. And about the programs, dont push your luck (no offense) compilers are VERY expensive (300$-1000$ range) if you want a good one. However.. the book that I'm talking about (mac only) includes "CodeWarrior Lite" which is a quasi-compiler...

Wait, you can get a Learning Addition of CodeWarrior for 49.99$
ŤZerřÇřřŁť Mess with the
best, die like the rest.

(This message has been edited by Zero_Cool (edited 04-14-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Zero_Cool (edited 04-14-2001).)


Originally posted by Zero_Cool:
**This isnt a web site, but any of the "For Dummies..." books are great, I just bought one today (my first) on programming for the mac. It gets straight to the point without any techno-babble. VERY good for beggining programmers, etc. Go try it out. And about the programs, dont push your luck (no offense) compilers are VERY expensive (300$-1000$ range) if you want a good one. However.. the book that I'm talking about (mac only) includes "CodeWarrior Lite" which is a quasi-compiler...

Wait, you can get a Learning Addition of CodeWarrior for 49.99$**

Where can Iget the learning edition?! WHERE?!??!

"When a bomb starts talking about itself in the third person, I get worried." --Tom Paris

You can order it from MacMall.




show a student ID, and they'll sell you Codewarrior Pro 6.0 for 80% off.

And don't EVER buy a dummies book. they're absolute crap. they just tell you how to do something, not why it works, or the principle behind it

(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com") bigfurrydeal! (/url)