Body Language

I was wondering, is it possible to tween characters/NPCs to express emotions and actions in Coldstone? (For example, flailing arms wildly in surprise, kneeling, crossing arms, etc... you get the point.) Would it have to be set up as a battle animation, and could NPCs be tween'd to do the same?


That would be pretty cool, actually. You could really pull some life into your characters. Sure you'd have to do it for a bunch of characters, but still, it would be worth it.

"Who wants some?"
-Ash, 'Army of Darkness'
"I shot an arrow into the air, and it stuck."

::eye brow arches::,

What a commitment to art that would be, and would it really be "worth it"? Either way better start getting ready now...

am I becoming a good guy???


I was looking at your site and I am impressed, I looked at your whole gallery, you have 'style...I saw some screenshots from a game 'White of Time RPG' , is it yours (d'uh, right) ? If so do you have any plans of porting it over to the Macintosh(/CGE) ? If not where is it available (I have SoftWindows)???

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It is completely possible to set up an event, in or out of battle, to set up an animation, such as that you are talking about.

