Parties: Yes or No?

Andrew, or anyone else with knowledge of this, what are plans for party or character support? I want a straight yes or no to parties, whether you know for a fact or are making a complete guess. Can we have multiple PCs? If so, how many? How will they be implemented? To what extent? If we can't have multiple PCs, how far can we go with NPCs? This knowledge is essential to the plot and story development I am writing. Please answer clearly and not with arguments for or against it.



(I'm sorry for "causing trouble", but the problem is that I WASN'T given an answer; perhaps, if I was, I would drop the whole topic. I don't blame you, the moderators, Ambrosia, Beenox, or anyone else for the lack of information, so I don't appreciate you blaming me for my interest. Far be it from me to ruin your fun. Please, if taking interest in Coldstone and its quality and features is illegal, warn me again. If this affects you, you know what I'm talking about, if not, don't worry about it.


(Necromicon) I accidently edited this message instead of replying to it, I appologise.

(This message has been edited by the Necromicon (edited 02-27-2001).)


Originally posted by saphfire:
**Andrew, or anyone else with knowledge of this, what are plans for party or character support? I want a straight yes or no to parties, whether you know for a fact or are making a complete guess. Can we have multiple PCs? If so, how many? How will they be implemented? To what extent? If we can't have multiple PCs, how far can we go with NPCs? This knowledge is essential to the plot and story development I am writing. Please answer clearly and not with arguments for or against it.



Sorry, I can't answer that question at this time. No amount of reiterating the question is going to change that, unfortunately.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

what follows is a series of statements:

::luminous ice crystals bond and take shape::
He is here...
• there is no point in asking queston directed to moderators
• you will recieve little information at best
• the best thing to do is sit and wait, planning, plotting.
• No amount of rage,impatience,or indignation (righteous or not) will prompt anyone (the mods,Dee,Andrew) to help/answer you
• ...So Says The Chill!

::explodes, creating a hail of ice fragments::
He is gone..??



Originally posted by chill_rx:
**• there is no point in asking queston directed to moderators
• you will recieve little information at best
• the best thing to do is sit and wait, planning, plotting.
• No amount of rage,impatience,or indignation (righteous or not) will prompt anyone (the mods,Dee,Andrew) to help/answer you


Did you ever consider that I may have an extremely good reason for not answering a particular question?

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


Originally posted by andrew:
**Did you ever consider that I may have an extremely good reason for not answering a particular question?

No, of course's either you totally don't want to listen to any questions or input, or you must be here 24/7 eagerly answering everything thrown at you 🙂

Part of humanism is relying on extremes.

/philosophical moment of the day

The randomness of life seems to make it appear undirected and unpredictable. Yet when you take a step back, you notice the intertwining cause and effect systems that make up our complex universe. Understand the cause, and you can predict the effect.
"God does not play dice." -Einstein

You never tell know ****ing one anything good yeah I ****ing know the game is subject to change and some ****ing annoyed freak might attack and give you a wedgie. Also Andrew is a ****ing Administrater not a moderater so all this goes to the moderaters as well cos' I hate you more , oh you are a dead man Andrew you are a dead man. Could you please put a smilie wich is sticking up it's middle finger or a smile shooting a ing gun. 🆒 < that's me. this is you> :wussyer:


As much as I'd like to flame you death I am sitting on a very small cushion of respect (+1 karma) and don't want to get off it.

Andrew probably doesn't want to answer your questions because he might not know. Remember, he isn't the one doing the programming. What shape the game takes is mainly up to Beenox (and the rest of us a bit). If you have a question then try directing it at Dee. This does not guarantee an answer and if Dee doesn't answer don't take it personally.

Some of the fun of designing a game is watching other people take wild guesses on what will happen (look at matt burch for an example) and snickering to yourself at what chumps they are. Surprising people is half the fun! Think about what happened to ATI after they told people about the RADEON. No surprise=no fun

The above paragraph was full of my biased and non-reinforcable opinions. The FOX network does not take any responsibility for the actions of DarkBlade

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:

And remember how the Cube didn't as good a response as the iMac? One of the differences was that rumor sites had spoiled the suprise.


Originally posted by Ellmist (no cookies):
And remember how the Cube didn't as good a response as the iMac? One of the differences was that rumor sites had spoiled the suprise.

I think the problem with the cube was that they were (and still are, to some extent) overpriced. 🙂

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

::an ice ball with a letter wrapped around it shatters the window pane::
He is here...
what follows is a series of statements:
•the Lobster "just pulled your card"
•I am well aware of the damage of leaking info...
•respect is relative...
• ...So Says The Chill!

::A hand materializes, reclaims the letter and dissapates::

He is...gone??


chill_rx, your posting format leaves something to be desired. 😛

The randomness of life seems to make it appear undirected and unpredictable. Yet when you take a step back, you notice the intertwining cause and effect systems that make up our complex universe. Understand the cause, and you can predict the effect.
"God does not play dice." -Einstein

(quote)Originally posted by andrew:
**I think the problem with the cube was that they were (and still are, to some extent) overpriced.:) )

From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
(url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).


Originally posted by saphfire:
(I'm sorry for "causing trouble", but the problem is that I WASN'T given an answer; perhaps, if I was, I would drop the whole topic. I don't blame you, the moderators, Ambrosia, Beenox, or anyone else for the lack of information, so I don't appreciate you blaming me for my interest. Far be it from me to ruin your fun. Please, if taking interest in Coldstone and its quality and features is illegal, warn me again.



I warned you because you asked the question again when you knew full well the answer. You knew that no matter how many times you asked the question, it would still not be answered, mainly because the question was under debate by Ambrosia and Beenox themselves. The fact that you posted while knowing the answer qualifies in my book as spam. The informationdrew releases to us is his and Beenox's business, if they wanted to they could have announced Coldstone the day of release, instead, the have offered as much information they believe they can without relating false information.

In my opinion, the information Ambrosia and Beenox have made available to us is very generous, in most cases shareware programmes have very little information on offer, count yourself lucky that they have told you this much. However, if a moderator believesI was wrong in warning you, then I will discuss it with them, and if we decide that I was wrong, then i will restore your Karma to it's previous ammount.

Friction leads to fire, you could get burned,
How much ink I just injected is none of your concern,
Unless your on terms of understanding the omega,
He controlls the mix so you can inherit the heater.


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**I warned you because you asked the question again when you knew full well the answer. You knew that no matter how many times you asked the question, it would still not be answered, mainly because the question was under debate by Ambrosia and Beenox themselves. The fact that you posted while knowing the answer qualifies in my book as spam. The informationdrew releases to us is his and Beenox's business, if they wanted to they could have announced Coldstone the day of release, instead, the have offered as much information they believe they can without relating false information.

In my opinion, the information Ambrosia and Beenox have made available to us is very generous, in most cases shareware programmes have very little information on offer, count yourself lucky that they have told you this much. However, if a moderator believesI was wrong in warning you, then I will discuss it with them, and if we decide that I was wrong, then i will restore your Karma to it's previous ammount.


Thank you to my right to a free trial. I took the liberty of collecting my past posts concerning this topic and their relevant responses. You can double-check if you like. I realize I have been persistent in this issue, that is merely due to the passion I have for game development. If you will look over this evidence, you will see that I wasn't given ANY information from a qualified source (one member just told me the beta testers wouldn't know), and my reason for asking for an altimatum, as party development is crucial to my storyline at this point. However, in Andrew's response to my last topic regarding this, I was inclined to drop it as I finally got an answer that I could live with: there is none. Please reconsider my warning, because I have a deep respect for Ambrosia and appreciate being treated in that same light.

Regards, Saphfire

Topic: Creating a party...

Posts: 22
Registered: Jan 2001
Karma: Clean (0) posted 02-23-2001 11:07 PM
I know that Coldstone is still in Beta and you really don't want to give out information because it could change, but one critical point that many are interested in and is vital to preparation for this excellent tool is party and character development. Can we create parties? How will they work together? Will they all show up on the main screen? How many members in all? How many active members (fighting)? Can you form groups? How will you switch between them? Will they affect the world with charisma? Can they perform group actions to navigate a dungeon a la Final Fantasy 3? I am hoping for an unlimited member count, with a screen to organize parties and such, with charasma values and group actions. Please answer as many as possible.


Posts: too many
From:Rochester, NY USA
Registered: Mar 99
Karma: divine posted 02-25-2001 02:09 PM

Originally posted by saphfire:
Why, because we actually care about the product we're following? If you want the battles to be put to rest, give us answers, or give us a choice! Seeing as there ARE so many different views on how the battles should be fought and characters to be played, there SHOULD be freedom to choose your own. CGE won't satisfy everyone, but views on either side should be equally heard. With so many people on the same boat, we really do need extra freedom to make the games different. If not, it just seems like of Pillars of Garundell expansion.

There will be exactly one battle system in Coldstone when we ship it; it will be something that we decided is the best balance available. People will bitch about it no matter what: some people will hate it, others will love it.

I'm just letting you know right now, there will not be the option to choose the battle system, so don't expect that there will be.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

Author Topic: Coldstone...The Game Engine

Posts: 15
Registered: Jan 2001
Karma: Clean (0) posted 02-24-2001 11:19 AM
There has been lots of controversy on this board over various things, and beta testers can do nothing but keep a stone face. Hot topics include the battle engine - "will it be realtime or turn-based?", the party development - "can we have multiple characters?", and what actually defines an RPG. Because there are so many different definitions and examples of how an RPG might play, including Baldur's Gate, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Diablo, seems only fair to hold context to a TRUE game engine - freedom. Not everyone has the same idea on the battles, characters, graphics, sounds, events, stats, etc...but they HAVE ideas. The creator should have the freedom to choose his or her own world and how it works. So please, answer this question, will Coldstone give users the freedom to choose party members and battle styles?


Posts: too many
From:Rochester, NY USA
Registered: Mar 99
Karma: divine posted 02-24-2001 12:58 PM

Originally posted by saphfire:
There has been lots of controversy on this board over various things, and beta testers can do nothing but keep a stone face. Hot topics include the battle engine - "will it be realtime or turn-based?", the party development - "can we have multiple characters?", and what actually defines an RPG. Because there are so many different definitions and examples of how an RPG might play, including Baldur's Gate, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Diablo, seems only fair to hold context to a TRUE game engine - freedom. Not everyone has the same idea on the battles, characters, graphics, sounds, events, stats, etc...but they HAVE ideas. The creator should have the freedom to choose his or her own world and how it works. So please, answer this question, will Coldstone give users the freedom to choose party members and battle styles?

True freedom would be you writing your own engine in C/C++ -- if you desire true freedome, there you go. With any more high level tool, there will be some compromises in what you can do, that's inevitable. I think you'll be quite pleased with the results you can achieve, however.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


Look, it's not a big deal -- but if we don't feel like disclosing a particular piece of information, that's our business (and we may very well have good reason for doing so).

The answer to the question of "multiple people in a party" is currently: undecided. We will not say anything more than that.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.


Originally posted by saphfire:
**Thank you to my right to a free trial. I took the liberty of collecting my past posts concerning this topic and their relevant responses. You can double-check if you like. I realize I have been persistent in this issue, that is merely due to the passion I have for game development. If you will look over this evidence, you will see that I wasn't given ANY information from a qualified source (one member just told me the beta testers wouldn't know), and my reason for asking for an altimatum, as party development is crucial to my storyline at this point. However, in Andrew's response to my last topic regarding this, I was inclined to drop it as I finally got an answer that I could live with: there is none. Please reconsider my warning, because I have a deep respect for Ambrosia and appreciate being treated in that same light.

This isn't a free country, it is a webboard. More than that it isn't a 'public' webboard, it is a webboard of a privately owned company. As such, they have the right to enforce any rules they choose upon those who they allow to view and post on their webboard. As an agent of the company that owns this webboard, moderators are empowered to do certain duties to keep the webboards vaguely orderly. In actual fact, you don't have ~any~ rights here. If Andrew wanted he could ban you, me or anybody without warning and without reason, and he wouldn't have to justify himself to anybody. A right to a free trial indeed...

Now, to the matter at hand...

You posted the same question multiple times and got the same answer multiple times. You were warned and lost a karma point. That should be the end of it. Necromicon didn't do it because he didn't like you, he did it because that is his ~job~. You were starting to get out of line, even of it was only because of your enthusiasm, so he gave you a light slap across the back of the wrist and sent you on your way. A loss of a single karma point isn't anything amazingly important, it's just a gentle nudge in the right direction. Let's move on. If you stay around, undoubtedly someone will raise your karma at some stage, and everything will once again be 'sweet'. You're causing a fuss over a very minor occurrence.

Just try to stay between the flags next time, and the nasty moderator/admin sharks won't try to bite you... 😉



amen Frandall.

If you have questions that don;t get answered then just sit tight. All will be answered in the release version of CGE.

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:

This engine is starting to look frightening similar to

and little known bane of Brodix (url="http://"")
and all the other real time bastard games, is there any unique factor to the gaming or is this generic
(the "balanced fighting system" described looks like onscreen fighting,which by the way is completely realtime, where's the balance in that)


(This message has been edited by chill_rx (edited 02-28-2001).)

Ok since I, like many people, am too lazy to look up who posted the topic about planning your game while we wait for CS to come out and see if it's a mod or adm or whatever I'm just going to work with nothing for this little sermon.

Ok how can we plan a game that revolves around romances and interactions with PC's and PC's period if we don't know if there are gonna be PC's allowed?


If there aren't gonna be PC's allowed then I'll just buy NWN when it comes out and work with that. Or maybe warcraft3. I think they allow art editting in that game. Hmm. Look at all those other options! Ok so 2 isn't a lot. Well you know....

"You will suffer! You will all suffer!"
-Jon Irenicus speaking to the Cowled Wizards


Originally posted by Frandall:
**This isn't a free country, it is a webboard. More than that it isn't a 'public' webboard, it is a webboard of a privately owned company. As such, they have the right to enforce any rules they choose upon those who they allow to view and post on their webboard. As an agent of the company that owns this webboard, moderators are empowered to do certain duties to keep the webboards vaguely orderly. In actual fact, you don't have ~any~ rights here. If Andrew wanted he could ban you, me or anybody without warning and without reason, and he wouldn't have to justify himself to anybody. A right to a free trial indeed...

Now, to the matter at hand...

You posted the same question multiple times and got the same answer multiple times. You were warned and lost a karma point. That should be the end of it. Necromicon didn't do it because he didn't like you, he did it because that is his ~job~. You were starting to get out of line, even of it was only because of your enthusiasm, so he gave you a light slap across the back of the wrist and sent you on your way. A loss of a single karma point isn't anything amazingly important, it's just a gentle nudge in the right direction. Let's move on. If you stay around, undoubtedly someone will raise your karma at some stage, and everything will once again be 'sweet'. You're causing a fuss over a very minor occurrence.

Just try to stay between the flags next time, and the nasty moderator/admin sharks won't try to bite you... 😉



As for rights and priveledges, point well taken. By agreeing to the terms of service, I gave up all rights to contradict the efforts of administrators of this board. However, I was merely stating my assumption that I may stand up and defend myself on this account. I do not normally consider a single point in either direction a large ordeal, but it is the very circumstances behind it. Sure, a single karma may seem small in the grand scheme of things, especially to one who is "blessed", but to me it conveys a certain amount of respect in nature and fluid penmanship.

If you would have reviewed the topics in question or my above post, you would see that Andrew, nor any moderator, gave an answer to multiple PC parties. In fact, Andrew doesn't even mention any of those words in his reply. The only advice I was given was by SkipMeire, who told me that beta testers would not know the answer, only Dee or Andrew, prompting my subsequenct topic. I was not warned, and I hardly think two topics is out of hand. Since, as many others have iterated, parties are critical to plot, I decided to post a simple yes or no question in hopes of a yes or no answer, and that was the first time I was actually given the facts of the matter on parties, that nothing was set in stone. If someone would have told me that before, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

If you can't see my point now, there is little hope, and I will just drop the whole topic, not for Beenox, Ambrosia, the moderators, or anyone else, but to relieve the dedicated members of this board, such as myself, from hearing this pointless debate (which I would have preferred been corresponded through emails). The verdict is yours.

