How will items be incorporated?

Will there be piles of items that you can choose to pick up while standing on the pile, or will it be similar to Exile. Or will it be like Realmz with the item pickup at the end of battle? Or will we have an option to set this feature? I ask that you tell how it is as of now, because I take into account that anything in this product can change at just about any time.

We had a mascott at DrugCo once. He was a rant named 'Little Drugy." One day he got really high and moved to Miami. He's got a coffee company there.
What's it called?

You place items on the map, and the player can pick them up. Almost exactly similar to Diablo in this sense.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**You place items on the map, and the player can pick them up. Almost exactly similar to Diablo in this sense.


I've never played Diablo or its sequal. Someone enlighten me?

We had a mascott at DrugCo once. He was a rat named 'Little Druggy." One day he got really high and moved to Miami. He's got a coffee shop there.
What's it called?

I've never played Diablo or its sequal. Someone enlighten me?

Basically there is something laying on the floor, a pile of gold, a weapon, armor, whatever, and your character walks over it to pick it up. If you don't physically touch the item, you don't pick it up.

Money is not the root of all evil, Jar Jar Binks is.

LOL love the signature there Samurai!
And yes, although sometimes in Diablo(ok, almost all of the time) you get items by killing a monster. As the monster falls to the floor an item will do a little flip as it flies from the monster and then it will land on the ground so u can pick it up. I'm assuming you can place items in a monster's "inventory". This makes a lot of sense when incorporating a monster with a sword you want the player to get a hold of, or the evil jailer with his key, etc.

"Silence, Dog! Your only purpose is to die by my hand."