Humourous Games

Does any one want to band up to create funny rpgs, ranging from on the line sickness to dumb toilet humour

mommy they're trying to turn me in to a Maori

Um....haven't you posted this topic like 3 times?

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond"
::walks down the mountain::

Here's a spell for your game:
-Taco Smell-
This spell will make a cloud above your enemies/targeted area, and the cloud will rain tacos that each do a vary small amount of damage when they hit, as well as each having a 50% chance of giving a mild poison(smelly tacos, right?) to the victom(s). Great for hitting groups/armies.

We had a mascott at DrugCo once. He was a rat named 'Little Druggy." One day he got really high and moved to Miami. He's got a coffee shop there.
What's it called?