Sorry about the 3D Card post =(

Sorry about the 3D card post, i didnt know this was strictly coldstone...

no more in future

so....brent told me that it was east to use....exactly how easy.... i mean

can Joe Blow come along and make a cave with a dragon and some §w33t l3wt?

and can this dungeon be as puzzling as, say, the zelda games or lufia on snes? and actually be interesting, fun, (and maybe...) thought provoking? (or something) But seriously, is it THAT easy?

Grammar costs nothing and is no weight to carry arround

It is very easy. You are limited only by time and how much effort you want to put it in.

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:

It is very easy to make a cave with a dragon in. However..would this make a good game. 😛

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Well, now, if you had a dialog tree to shame any banyan forest and a number of interesting items in the dragon's hoard, you could make it a tense "barter with something that could kill you in a moment" game, like the scene with Bilbo and Smaug in The Hobbit.

It's not Baldur's Gate , but with some backstory (ie: why are you there?) and a number of alternate endings it just might make an interesting effort.

Once accomplished, you could work it into a larger game.
