I've only seen stuff about coldstone using quicktime files. Will it support avi files? If not it should (if possible). Also, what kind of audio media will it support?
I've only seen stuff about coldstone using quicktime files. Will it support avi files? If not it should (if possible). Also, what kind of audio media will it support?
Not to sound like a jerk or anything but does it really matter? Can't you just use QT Pro and export it as a quicktime movie?
Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:
Because PC users don't seem to really understand Quicktime.
QT can read AVIs, and if CGE uses QT to play media (music, videos, etc) than CGE should be able to play anything Quicktime can. This would include the ancient .FLI format for video, and mp3, aiff, wav, midi, etc.
People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.
can't say I know 'xactly what SaneHatter was getting at but,
(can't say I do,can't say that I always care)
I'm going to just flat out ask the question, instead of acting like I know it all and am on the development team...
So Dee what formats of Audio files are accepted in the CGE?
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ill_a_nois/ring.html")Join the CGE Developers Webring here(/url)
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Since Dee is likely busy prepping the next beta, I'll pull something out of the progress log for you: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum18/HTML/000009.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000009.html(/url)
(posted 1/23/01)
(NEW) Quicktime music formats supported (MP3, AIFF, etc.). Just put the music file in the music folder and start it with the standard "Play Music" action type. You can still play MOD and other PlayerPro formats.
What formats are included in "Quicktime Music"?
from: (url="http://"http://www.apple.com/quicktime/products/tutorials/")http://www.apple.com...ucts/tutorials/(/url)
"QuickTime is capable of importing the following formats: AVI, Flash, MOV, BMP, GIF, JPEG/JFIF, Photoshop, PNG, Targa, TIFF, DV, MPEG, AIFF, Audio CD, Karaoke, MIDI, MP3, WAV, Text. QuickTime can export these formats: AVI, DV Stream, MOV, BMP, JPEG, Photoshop, PNG, Targa, TIFF, AIFF, MIDI, WAV and Text."
of those, MOV, AIFF, Audio CD, Karaoke, MIDI, MP3, and WAV are / can be music files.
Coldstone can also use any 'tracked' music file supported by Player Pro's API. These are found at (url="http://"http://www.quadmation.com/PP/What-3.html")http://www.quadmatio.../PP/What-3.html(/url) but since I'm in a good mood I'll summarize:
MAD, MOD, S3M, OKTA, MTM, 669, XM, MED, ULT, and IT.
The awesome freeware program Soundapp (found at (url="http://"http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~franke/SoundApp/")http://www-cs-studen...ranke/SoundApp/(/url) ) can play and convert almost any music file out there. I believe Soundjam can play most of these files as well.
People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.
Well I'm glad to hear it will support avi files and mp3. I've had no good luck with Quicktime, mainly because it doesn't work right EVER on my computer. It's always givin lower quality and slow responses; probably becuase it's made by Apple running on a Microsoft system(two horrible companies).
Will coldstone even work with PCs? I read something about it only working on Mac. Which really dissapoints me because I use a PC. And will never buy a Mac. I was making my game in RPG Maker 95 then re-making it in 2000 but stopped because I read about coldstone on RPG Fan...
Also..I would rather not make quicktime files (.mov) becuase it has crappy compression and low quality images, I use the DivX codec for all animations.
(This message has been edited by Kenny98 (edited 03-03-2001).)
Originally posted by Kenny98:
**Well I'm glad to hear it will support avi files and mp3. I've had no good luck with Quicktime, mainly because it doesn't work right EVER on my computer. It's always givin lower quality and slow responses; probably becuase it's made by Apple running on a Microsoft system(two horrible companies).
Will coldstone even work with PCs? I read something about it only working on Mac. Which really dissapoints me because I use a PC. And will never buy a Mac. I was making my game in RPG Maker 95 then re-making it in 2000 but stopped because I read about coldstone on RPG Fan...
Also..I would rather not make quicktime files (.mov) becuase it has crappy compression and low quality images, I use the DivX codec for all animations.
(This message has been edited by Kenny98 (edited 03-03-2001).)**
Last I heard, they wanted to make the Codestone Editor for PC too, but the program or somesuch they are using for codestone is unstable on a PC. So, I guess its still in flux.
P.S. Many of the members here are very pro mac and may take any disparages against Apple baddly.
Ships are safe in the harbor, but that is not what they are built for.
Look under upcoming. The coldstone picture has the little windows icon under it so I guess windows will eventually be an option (although I thought they had scrapped the idea).
kenny: this is probably not the the best place to declare your hatred of apple.
Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:
andrew posted this on another thread:
Originally posted by Tylle:
Err... Does that windows logo next to the mac logo and above the OS X logo on the upcoming page mean what I think it means?
Yes, it means that you can use Coldstone to make games that run on Windows.
I haven't seen a positive or a negative one way or the other about the editor running on windows.
I'll agree with Darkblade: this isn't the best place to bash Apple; please don't do it again.
People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.
I wasn't bashing Apple. Didn't mean to come off that way.
Anyway how fast should a computer (PC) be to run a game made by coldstone?
Yes, sanehatter's explanation makes the most sense. It does seem a bit misleading though having the windows icon and all.
Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is: