ATTN: bite_me_man

If you truly were a beta tester, email "". If you weren't, don't bother. If you ask for the beta code one more time, I'll get your IP banned.

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond"
::walks down the mountain::

GlueBubble from what my guess is he'll probably ask it again but who knows. Now I know someone else is worse than me in behavior. (Maybe)


Bitememan: Your antics irritate me. You are not a beta tester. You posted a topic here detailing how to get the beta before but thankfully I brought it to the attention of a mod on #ev3 and got it deleted before any damage was done.

Bitememan: You are NOT a beta tester. I have never seen you around before a couple days ago and I know for a fact that you are NOT on the beta list.

Bitememan: You are not the author of Coldstone. Dee and the rest of the krazy Quebecers (har har har. I know that offended everyone in Quebec and I am sorry. You can kill me when I come to visit in May.) at Beenox are. Don't insult our intelligience by trying that ploy on us. I don't Beleve you.

Gluebubble: Please lower this guys karma for every post that he made regarding the beta password. I think everybody agrees that the sooner he reaches -10 the better.

Sanehatter: Ditto.

Necromicon: Ditto.

Dee: Coldstone rules so much, keep up the good work!

Other beta testers: Don't tell this guy the password. If he asks you for it remember, he is just a silly 11 year old (he told me so on hotline). Don't encourage him. The simple fact that he posted 3 seperate topics about wanting the password, ALL IN CAPS (we dont like that around here bitememan) means that he cannot handle himself. Do you honestly think andrew would allow this guy to beta test?

andrew: You haven't posted in so long, whats up with that? I know your masculinity has been threatened ever since you sold the hummer but c'mon, don't leave us out in the cold.

Have a great day all, I know I will. It is teachers convention 😃

Was it the Chad?
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:

(This message has been edited by DarkBlade (edited 02-09-2001).)

::the door opens on its own, a lone figure stands in the frame, he stares expelling a cloud of nitrogen from his mouth::

-29° He is here...

Dear MadMan(or Dark madman, whoever you are) I am despite how much you would like me to be, NOT the "bite_me_man_87", who has recently popped up...(examine my IP, Oh...wait your not a moderator : :rolleyes:: )
I bear no association to this perpetual albeit persistent driveling persona...

...So Says The Chill!.
::and with that he launches a previously concealed ice ball, pelting MadMan directly in the eye, dissapates ::

+29° He is gone ?

Don't send me any mail...

(This message has been edited by chill_rx (edited 02-09-2001).)


Originally posted by chill_rx:

Dear MadMan(or Dark madman, whoever you are)

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait !!!!

Madman and I are 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENTS accounts, so please don't mistake... 🙂

So says Dark Madman !!!!


Originally posted by chill_rx:

Dear MadMan(or Dark madman, whoever you are)

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait !!!!

Madman and I are 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENTS accounts, so please don't mistake... 🙂

So says Dark Madman !!!!

Yep, I'm technicly an American. The name was already taken so the word "Dark" was just added.

Gluebubble, maybe this topic should have been kept at just a few messages? I think it's time to lock it.

I hate California
It's too friggin' hot


Madman 2000 tip of the day. (more tips) (stop showing tips)

+90 in California? Where are you? It's been raining cats and dogs up here in the Bay Area today.

Anyrate, this topic has gotten pointless.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.