Coldstone Beta

does anyone know the unstuff code for coldstone 1.0.0b2?? I am abeta tester i lost the code


plzzz tell me


... I just won't say anything ....

"Oh....Talia is it? What a....a pleasant surprise. I did not expect---"
"Neither did your guards--- judging by the look of shock pasted on their lifeless faces"

If, Indeed, you are a beta tester, you should be able to access the archives, from which you can find the password for the stuffit file. If you aren't a beta tester (which I personally doubt, from your post quantity...), then you'll have better luck trying to squeeze blood from a stone.

I don't see how this thread could advance any further, so I'm going to lock it.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.