Tips for writing music

Hi everybody,

Just to show what kind of a nice guy I am, I'm summarizing my self-taught knowledge of music theory into a short little guide to writing music. Currently there is a document on GlueBubble's hotline server (don't know the IP offhand) in the Audio folder called "Brief Guide 2 Writing Music.sit" with a self-reading document and a .MOD file.

It's not done yet, but there is some information on the nature of tone and pitch, intervals, and chords. More will be added, tying it all together, but I'd like to get some feedback on it now about how clear I'm writing, what you might find useful, etc.

Have fun!

I grew up being told that anyone could be president... now I believe it.

Thanks again sanehatter, I'm sure everyone wants as much help as they can get for creating their own graphics and sounds.

Personaly, I have plans for several old school 2D RPGs with small, 2D sprites and older style game sound, this is for two reasons. First, I miss all of the fun, shorter RPGs like early Final Fantasy games and Breath of fire 1&2 that you could get into quickly without developing a major plot, and second, it suits my abilities 😉

BTW, the server adress is, and if you don't have hotline, you can get it (url="http://"")here(/url)

And for those of you that don't know how to use hotline, I plan on going to that website and making a topic with a step-by-step guide to using hotline in the very near future.

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