Transferring Character Info

Will it be possible to transfer character info from one game to another? When a character/party completes one adventure, for example, will we be able to transfer their stats over to a sequel?


Em...I think is probably fairly unlikely, the information you input into Coldstone will probably be encoded and hiden away in a data file.

(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: The Art of Xen

You could probably, (read: "I have no idea and I'm just throwing this out there"), just make a classic password system. (You know, how they "saved" files on console games when they didn't want to have battery backed memory). Of course, the more about your character you want to save, the harder the password is to engineer and the more boring it is to type in. However, the players probably won't be doing much character transfering, so it probably won't be a big problem. As long as you don't mind seeming low tech...

"Well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder."

I would go as far as to say that it is next to impossible. Coldstone builds stand alone games, not plugins or something along that line. Each game would be different, and the stats would be on a different scale (eg 100 mp could be considered high in one game but in another 2000 mp could be considered a low amount). There would be class differences between games, like a bard might not even exhist in one kind of game further complicating the process

Was it the Chad?

(This message has been edited by DarkBlade (edited 12-22-2000).)


Coldstone builds stand alone games, not plugins or something along that line. Each game would be different, and the stats would be on a different scale

Maybe so, but if you were to make several games, or you and your friends made different games based on the same world or something, it might be a good idea to go with the password suggestion, if it's possible.

"Well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder."

well this might be the same thing as the password thing, but I made a Starcraft map that was and "RPG" or as close as one could get with the Starcraft level editor.
And I wanted it to be continuable or something so if u had a high lvl character in one game u could have one in the next game u played. I designed a combination of buttons you had to move a "Protoss Probe" onto in order to get your character back(you'd know the code if you ever had that character). Is this kinda what that "password" thing was, except a little low tech?

"Do you expect me to talk?"
"Why no Mr. Bond! I expect you to die!"

Starcraft RPG´s are in fact very fun to make.
I once made a pylon boss where you could not move the screen, and the pylon summoned monsters and cannons as long as it lived.
I am not following the topic am I? 🙂

"This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let´s not bicker and argue about who killed who."

(plz excuse me if i'm being obnoxious and plz don't tell me something like READ THE FAQ cause i barely got my ISP to let me connect to the boards yesterday and i've been gone for more than 2 months)
wait. so a game made with coldstone will save all info in itself? not a seperate file? Thats all i can make of this so far. maybe i should think about this more.....

a meteor, a momentary flare of brilliance.. like all life, Nothing really, in the sweep of time. But everything in the Force.


Originally posted by J.Ace21:
**(plz excuse me if i'm being obnoxious and plz don't tell me something like READ THE FAQ cause i barely got my ISP to let me connect to the boards yesterday and i've been gone for more than 2 months)
wait. so a game made with coldstone will save all info in itself? not a seperate file? Thats all i can make of this so far. maybe i should think about this more.....


Yes. Maybe you should. 😛

(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
(url="http://"")The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive(/url)
Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: The Art of Xen

Well, just HOW many games out there DO let you transfer a character from one game to its sequel?


"The Gnuey Boy"

(A damp November fog,enters the room)

If possible this would allow for items(and their levels) to carry over,to the next adventure.

You could have a bloodline, of characters that inherit a small portion of the predecessors'
magic,power/stats (Like on Monster Rancher, the skills carry over). the danger(/security) of deleting resource forks, it eliminates hackers
coughResEdit v2.1.3,the "omni key"cough 😄
but it also gets rid of the things that mac the Mac great (one of them being A RESOURCE FORK, which was the only way to edit some of the predecided graphical effects in b8.5 😉 )

"With an icy glare of indignity..."